16. Friends... for now! 🤭

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"Woah!" "What the ...??" Sam and Mon both says simultaneously entering in Mon's apartment.

Today they were supposed to meet outside after finishing their class. Their assignments was complete long ago but they decided they'll keep studying together, anything that keeps them near each other as they've been inseparable after Khun Sam's birthday, but Mon unfortunately forgets her some of her important books at her flat , so they decides they'll study at Mon's place instead.

But both were amused to see the scene unfold infront of them. Mon caught the tail end of P'Tee nearly flying out on ground from the couch, where she was hovering over Yuki. What exactly were they doing? Making out in their living room?

Both of them immediately starts to act like they were looking for something on the ground.. which makes it more suspicious. Sam somehow founds that hilarious so she starts to laugh hysterically whereas Mon stood there shocked.

Her best friend didn't tell her anything about this current development. Yes, she knew about Yuki's interest in Tee and vice versa , also none of them can act subtle with their interactions but Yuki didn't let her know they've come this far in their feelings. That wasn't something best friend should do! Especially them. Oh no! Mon is now mad..

"Did you find it" Yuki asks to Tee who was pretending to frantically looking for something on the ground.

"Nope! not yet!" Tee replies. God they are horrible actor. Which infact makes the person standing beside Mon, laughs even harder.

"Guys, you're doing world's best worst acting ever! Oh Goodness!" Sam says in between laugter.

"What? I'm looking for something that I dropped earlier!" Tee says defensively.

"Looking where Tee? In her mouth?" Sam points at Yuki and Yuki's face colours in a deep shade of red.

"Shut up Sam!" Tee says.

Sam was still laughing but somehow Mon don't find that humourous beacuse currently she's busy glaring at her best friend who's desperately avoiding eye contact with her. Mon was done with this awkward situation, for now at least!

"Okay, stop everyone! " she says to everyone then she turns to Yuki, "You! Have some serious explanations to do and You! Stop laughing!" She says to Sam and Sam obliges with both of her hands up on the air in a mock surrender.

"We're going to my room." Mon declares, "So You guys can continue with your... searching !!" Sam cracks up again on Mon's remark. Mon just takes her hand and drags her into her room leaving the red faces behind.

Mon open the door of her room and enters, Sam follows closely behind. As soon as she enters the room Mon corners her by the door,

"Did you know about this?"

"Woah!" Sam says at the sudden interrogation "What?"

"About them outside!" She gesture with her hand .

"What about them? Making out?"

"No! I mean yes. I mean all of them!" Mon struggles ,

Sam smiles, "About them potentially being a thing?"

"Yes. Are they a thing already? Yuki didn't tell me anything about it!"

"If you're asking if I knew about them being a thing already, then No I didn't. None of us know the real status of them, yet. But one thing for sure that they were kissing on that couch.. But I'm not surprised! I did see that coming a big time! They are not really subtle"

"Hey I see that too." Mon defends "It just she didn't updated me, Best friends don't.." Mon didn't finish because suddenly she realises she was practically hovering over Sam. The proximity is electric. She glups and takes a step back , trying to not make it obvious.

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