4. The 'Phi Phi Club'

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"You're so gonna enjoy it" Yuki says to Mon excitedly while walking towards the room.

After meeting at the café , they chat for some time enjoying a cup of coffee and bagels

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After meeting at the café , they chat for some time enjoying a cup of coffee and bagels. It was mostly Yuki talking about how eager she was to meet up with everybody, one in particular.

Mon noticed that Yuki has developed some sort of fascination for Tee after she helped them find and settle down in the apartment. She always talks about How fun and nice everybody is in the club but when she is talks about Tee, her eyes sparks. Mon observed that but decides not to comment on that, Yet . She internally smiles cause she's gonna tease the heaven out of her best friend; she just needs to be more sure of her observation.

Reaching the door , they open it and enter the room. People were scattered all over the room, talking in clusters and drinking hot beverages.. The atmosphere of the room is very warm like you'll feel at ease in no time.

"Yuki , Mon !" they turn around to see Nop was calling their name. He run towards them and hugs them both at the same time.

"Hey Nop" they both says .

"Hey Guys, how are ya?" Nop says

"Oh we're fine, Nop! How are you doing?" Mon asks politely

Her, Yuki and Nop had some same classes in their freshmen year . They used to hang out together but this year it's a bit different. Nop is a nice, friendly guy. Although he did tried to pursue Mon but after she told him that she's not interested in him or in any boys in particular ; he understood and backed off. He's been a supportive friend ever since.

"Oh I'm fine, fresh as a daisy!"  He turned to Yuki    "So you finally manage to bring this one over here huh?"  he points with his thumb at Mon

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"Oh I'm fine, fresh as a daisy!" He turned to Yuki "So you finally manage to bring this one over here huh?" he points with his thumb at Mon.

Yuki sighs dramatically "Oh! what a hassle it was!" she looks as Mon and grins. "But I finally succeeded, didn't I?" She raise her hand and high fives with Nop. Mon huffs on their antics.

"Don't worry You'll like it here." Nop says.

They talk among themselves for a while. Nop excuse himself when somebody calls for his name. They notices Tee chatting with other two girls. So Yuki drags Mon to them saying,

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