25. One Anothers; Fully and Completely!

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By the end of the week, Mon was feeling much better. She wakes up late on Friday morning alone in bed. Mon feels something stuck on her forehead, she opens her eyes but her vision is obscured by a bright pink something. She picks it up with her hand and it turns out to be a sticky note saying,

"Hey Baby, sorry I had to leave without you knowing. You look so peaceful so I didn't bring myself to wake you up. I hope you feel well when you wake up! Consider this sticky note as a kiss. I Love you. xx"

Mon smiles. Her girlfriends' I love yous always makes Mon smile like an idiot. She already knows Sam has classes today. Mon had missed most of her classes this week but thanks to some of her classmates and Khun Sam she already has the important notes and information.

Especially Khun Sam she has been incredible, she made sure Mon gets all the important details and does not miss on anything! She took care of Mon in every way possible, so much that Mon didn't get to miss her Mom.

Usually when Mon is sick she misses her mum and craves for her motherly affection like crazy, but this time her incredible girlfriend made sure she doesn't feel any less taken care of or helpless or dying. She made soup for her, she even fed her , she helped her with the right medication, and sometimes gave her massages as well. She was there with her with everything, with every way possible. Also not to mention the bath!

Mon snorts on the weeks prior memory. God, she's been so bold ! She remembers the way Sam's eyes widened from a certain request or maybe demand from her.

That thought alone, automatically reminds her of something else entirely. Mon's cheek gets warm, not from fever or the flu but from a certain memory. Khun Sam and her amazingly flawless body. When she got the view of her girlfriend's bare figure, Mon didn't breath for a good whole minute. She is so damn perfect. Only if Mon wasn't that sick at that time!

And how can she forget the way Khun Sam gazed on her own bare body? Her gaze was heavy and dark. Mon noticed the way she was clutching her fist. It told Mon everything she needed to know. She was affected just as badly like her and was trying for her life to hold back. Mon felt bad for torturing her like that.

But Khun Sam is a very noble lady. She perfectly masked her need and put forward Mon's well being like she always does. Mon applauded her self control. Because she knows how difficult it was cause Mon was struggling herself too.

But not to worry, Khun Sam is going to get a reward for her patients soon! Mon is planning on it.

She gets up and takes her phone to text her dear girlfriend that she misses her, but there was another sticky note on her phone saying,

"Teerak, there's breakfast waiting on the table, just warm it up before you eat it. Please text me if you need anything, I'll bring it on my way back home. I'll see you later. ♡ xoxo"

Definitely getting the rewards, tonight..!

Mon takes her phone, and type out a text,


"Finish your classes, and come back to me! Fast!"

"I need You !!"





Sam enters her apartment with a bag full of Mon's favorite snacks and ice-creams and all the stuff she remembered Mon likes. She had late classes today that she had to attend. She got a text from her girlfriend saying she wants her back, so after finishing her classes and picking up things from the store she rushed to her flat without stopping anywhere. She might have broken some speed limit to get here fast but if her girlfriend wants her fast, she'll get there faster.

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