21. Realizations and Fireworks 🎆

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Three days!

It's been three days since Sam left for New York and the only time Mon heard from her is when she reached her destination. She gave her a small text saying she had safely landed and was heading for the hospital. That's it. Nothing else after that.

Mon was worried about her, she couldn't remove the image of her dreadful eyes and the shaky voice from her mind. She looked so shaken like she was about to lose something again.

She wanted to call her but think better of it and restrain herself from doing it. But she did send some texts which remained unanswered. Khun Sam must be going through a lot Mon muses. But she still couldn't stop herself from looking at the phone once in a while.

"She must be really busy there Nong! You may not know this part about her. But when it comes to her grandma she is willing to do everything." Jim says, noticing Mon's worried posture.

They were all together, sitting around, talking amongst themselves but Mon was quiet. She's been feeling everything is here but still nothing exists. She's been like this for the past three days. Yuki was trying to cheer her up but to no avail.

Truth is she's missing Sam terribly. It's the first they were apart for this long with next to zero contact. No calls, no texts, no facetime, no nothing. And Mon can't shake out the feeling that a big part of her own being is missing. Everywhere she goes, whether it's outside or in the class or in even her own freaking apartment the absence of her is apparent.

It's like Khun Sam's absence has a physical presence.

"Yeah I understand. I'm just worried, Phi, she looked so scared and vulnerable . I've never seen her like that!"

"She's always like that for the people she loves. Her grandmother is the only person in her life that has been there for her. So she's scared to death thinking of anything happening to her. She loves her grandma the most in this world, you know! She'll be fine when she's sure that her grandmother is okay. You please stop worrying. Okay?"

Mon nods.

"Nong Mon, give it some time. She will contact you. She can't go without communicating with you for a longer period of time. Just be a little patient with her. You'll hear from her soon enough" Tee says giving her a reassuring smile and Mon smiles back at her too

Hopefully she's right.



Back to her apartment,

Mon enters her living room and looks at her couch, they've been sitting there, joking around there when the call came in and Sam had to leave.

Mon went to her couch and sat, bringing out her phone. Still nothing! She knows she should give it some time but that doesn't mean she can't check. She sighs.

"Do you want me to make you some tea, Mon?" Yuki asks her. Mon shakes her head, she keeps looking at her phone longingly.

Yuki sits beside her, "You're really missing her, aren't you?"

Mon purses her lip and nods, she won't be able to speak right now without crying her eyes out. She doesn't wanna cry over missing someone , like a teenage girl.

She has never been like this , even when she first catched feelings for some girl. Mon has never been that girl.

Mon was in Australia at that time and she was really infatuated with this one girl and somehow the feeling was returned! But before anything could start between them, Mon had to move. So there's that.. she wasn't this emotional even then.

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