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Nillia pov:

The music that was being played on the radio for the past seven hours was doing nothing other than annoy me. It may has entertained me the first two hours of my tedious journey, but now the songs are just repeating themselves over and over again. Even the energy to sing along has abandoned me.

Yet, everything in this old truck annoyed me. That hideous window that couldn't open anymore or that stupid air conditioner that was not once used. Not even my doors could properly open anymore. I hated it.

I could've gotten a new, modern car by now, but why bother? I doubt it stands out much in Forks anyway. Perhaps I would even go as far as saying it somewhat matches the atmosphere of the town.

I shut the heavy door of my truck in its lock, just as the feeling of uncomfortableness washed over me. My eyes wandered up the visibly old house.

"It's as ugly as I remembered" I huffed under my breath. But that wasn't true. It was never ugly to me back then. Back when I used to live in this exact house with my family, my sister.

My hand reached out for the well known coldness of the doorknob that used to bother me each time I returned home from a long school day. It doesn't concern me nowadays. It just feels empty, like the rest of the house.

I stepped in. The shape the house was in didn't really surprise me a lot. Even though the wallpapers took place in being nearly all thorn from the wall, leaving the living room wall's being covered in white bits all around. The once so joy bringing television was now old, possibly not intact anymore. While the lamps just so dangled from the wall, threatening to fall down entirely and crack your head open.

I haven't seen the rest yet and I know this image alone should be enough to sadden me, but instead a smile made its way onto my face.

They loved me.

I picked up my suitcase again and made my way up the wooden stairs. The awful loud squeaking is supposed to startle me, it wasn't that piercing in my memory - but then again, it could never. This is home, it doesn't scare me.

Sighing, I let my black suitcase drop onto my bed that still had its place in my old childhood room, before making my way towards the only room that had their door standing welcomingly wide open. My eyes glued onto the colorful letters that decorated the door just wonderfully. "I miss you" I whispered.

I loved that about her. She was always brimming with life. Everywhere she went, no matter what happened. All the things appeared to sparkle when she was around.

However, it doesn't anymore. Aria seemed to have taken that spark with her when she left.

My eyes broke away from her door. I couldn't bring myself to go in. Not now, I just came back.


It didn't took me a long period of time to unpack my suitcase, given that I don't have many things or clothes. Those I had were pretty, just not many of them.

I plopped down on my neatly made bed that I once left and never came back to. My new school starts in hardly a few days and I should most likely go shopping for it.

I pulled my wallet out of the case that still laid on my bed and put it in my bag that was in it as well. My outfit looked just fine when I checked it in the mirror, so I could go back pleased to my truck.


It's been almost four hours and I acquired everything I was in need of, plus got a chance to get to know the town for a second time.

I had always liked Forks. The weather was not too sunny, which was in fact fortunate for me considering, unlike my sister, I had always hated the sun. It just made me squeeze my eyes together constantly in an attempt to see something.

The people were just ordinary quiet people and if you'd ask me, that's just perfect. I'm not fond of smalltalk with people I only am aware of because, I went to a coffeeshop one time and came back out, accompanied by five new friends that were all at the verge of dying.

I only needed Aria as my friend. She was younger, yet she was much more mature for her age. I could always talk to her anytime, and she would always find a way to cheer me up. I remember the sleepovers we used to have in each others rooms, gossiping about boys and girls.

And before I realized it, I stood in the middle of her room, looking at pictures that she had hung up all over her wall one time, when I was still with her.

The day I disappeared should've never happen, but it did and I cannot ever forgive myself for it. I would seek my revenge if I could, however that matter long vanished from this place.

A long time did I hope that one day I could be with her again. But that wish won't ever come true, for as I will always be 18.



Word count: 916

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