Chapter XIV

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Nillia pov:

I rushed to my mate's side immediately after we noticed a certain human had left, holding her waist as both our eyes were lost in the empty room. No sight of Bella. She must've taken the stupid chance to depart from us when Alice went in the bedroom to check on my wellbeing.

"How did I not notice? It's my fault, I should've seen this coming" The pixies unneeded breaths were heavy and unsteady while I kept my grip on her waist tight.

"It's not your fault Alice, I should've heard her leave too" I spoke, intending that she would stop blaming herself and focus on the important things we have going at the very moment. "The only thing that matters now is to find her and make sure she's safe before Edward kills us" She nodded her head, her eyes turning to look at me before pecking my cheek.

"Go, check out, I'll have our things ready by then" I returned the nod and swiftly went out, closing the door behind me before I made my way down the stairs.


"Got everything?" I asked the brunette whilst she slammed the car door shut. She hummed a yes, turning the keys so the car would start. "Good. Drive, I'll lead the way"

The car was mainly filled with silence expect for the small amounts in between, of where I told Alice in which directions she had to drive.

The tension was thick, both of us fearing for Bella. Not to mention, did my heart feel like it would be jumping out of my chest in any second, even if it's not doing a thing.

"Turn right, we're there" Alice did as I told her and stopped the car after. "Quick, stick to Alice and Nillia" The voices that echoed through the woods made me sigh out in relief. Neither me nor Alice would've fancied it to face James unassisted, especially since her visions left any information concerning to Bella out.

Soon, Carlisle and the others were running to the entrance close behind us. "Break the window" He instructed us once we noticed that we're on the wrong side of the building.

We shattered the glass and bounced right into the scene, my mate and I wasting not a second to rush to Bella's aid. "Bella, Bella, it's okay" Alice held her wrists to the ground with force so the hurting brunette couldn't move as much.

I held Bella's head, although not for too long because I had to cover my nose instead. "Aly I'm sorry" I lifted from my spot after I was given my permission look from Alice and moved aside, so the brunette's scent would not get to me that heavily.

I couldn't help but blame myself for not being able to be there for my best friend, while she was hurting. I couldn't stay by her side and comfort her, just because I don't have myself under control.

"Carlisle, the blood" I saw my mate looking down at her hand in horror, as she resisted the urge to loose her control to it.

I wanted to go to her, seeing that she needed the help to get away from Bella, not only because her thirst for blood was too much, but also because she didn't want to leave Bella unattended. Yet Carlisle was faster to call my name. "Nillia start the fire"

Jasper and Emmett were quick to take James while I started the fire like I was told. "Alice go" The blonde ordered her to step away from the bleeding human, while the other blonde called for her help.

I watched as my mate jumped on top of James, who was being held tightly by her brothers and ripped his head off his neck.

All that was being heard were the inhumanly deafening screams coming from Bella and the crackling sound from the fire.

I stood and witnessed James pale body burning, with a slight smirk plastered on my face. Even if my heart was breaking for Victoria.

I found my mate, Laurent had left and betrayed her and now James was also gone, for good. She had nothing left. Nothing left to live for other than the revenge I knew she was planning to get.

"Nillia, get the car" Without looking back at Carlisle, I sprinted out and to the car, so I could drive it to the front. "Careful" Edward looked to the ground, commenting on every move his father made with Bella in his arms.

"Do you wanna do it?!" He is usually not the one to snap at you, but Edward was being an idiot.

"Hospital" The blonde got in the passenger seat and I nodded while turning the keys.


"Thank you" He opened the door and was about to get out, when my movements apparently stopped him. "No, go back home" He said, taking ahold of my arm.

"I couldn't be there for her earlier, but now I will. You can't stop me" He sighed, not having the energy to argue about it. "Fine, come with me"

It has been 3 hours now and the only thing we were doing was sitting beside Bella's bed and waiting for her to wake up. "Go home to Alice, she needs you too now" Carlisle's hand rested on my back, attempting to comfort me whilst I looked down at the human girl.

"I will" I said, grabbing my keys on the way out. But just when I reached for the handle, the door was opened, a sweaty doctor barging in.

"Cullen, they want you in 404. Patient Aiello"

The feeling I had, was something I never experienced in my life before. My heart literally sank when I heard the words that left his mouth.

Carlisle looked behind the door, where I still was, excluded from the doc's sight. "You're coming with me" He whispered. I nodded and soon I was for no one to see.

I followed the blonde to room 404, my legs shaking uncontrollably as I came closer to seeing her.

"I'm sorry that I hadn't considered it earlier" He said, laying his hand on my shoulder when he saw me again.

I smiled at him weakly, in the end being the only one that entered the room. My eyes lit up as I saw my little sister again, after almost a century. My hand held onto the pendant of my necklace, I couldn't believe it was actually her.

"Nillia?" My once little sister looked up at me, recognizing me, though I've been dead for over 70 years.

"Hello baby" I took small steps while walking towards her, not wanting to scare her with still having the face of my 18 year old self.

"H-how" She reached out to touch my face, which I gladly allowed her. "Now's not the time for explanations, I'm just so glad I get to see you one more time"

"But you're dead, h-ow could it be, am I already gone?" I chuckled lightly, though tears were burning in the corner of my eyes.

"I'm not baby, you're not" Her hand pulled away, "I don't wanna die" She whispered. I choked on a tearless sob, "I don't want you to go either" My hand took ahold of her own ice cold one.

"I missed you so much" Her eyes were heavy, as they kept falling. She was doing everything to stay awake, wanting to witness the moment for longer than time allowed her. "Close your eyes Aria"

I kissed her forehead when I sensed her heart had stopped beating.

"I love you, forever"


What just happened

My tik tok btw is @imacowboy


Word count: 1284

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