Chapter VI

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Nillia pov:

"I hate him" I huffed under my breath as I was complaining to my girlfriend about the werewolf we let Bella alone with. He made himself unpopular already and it's been like five minutes. "Can't say otherwise" Alice agreed with me, rolling her eyes.

"Aly?" She turned around and sat on the armrest of the chair I was sitting on. "Hmm?" She hummed a yes, glancing at me with a slight smile on her lips. That's one of the many things I loved about her, she was always smiling, no matter the situation we had going.

"Now that we know that Bella is okay.." I didn't want to finish what I was going to say, because I didn't want to hear the answer. What it was going to be, I knew that, that's why I was so scared of it. I love Bella, and leaving her here in Forks all alone was by far one of the worst things I had to do. I don't know if I can do it a second time.

Alice made me look up at her, her hands cupping my face, "We don't need to leave right away love" She smiled weakly, having the same opinion about leaving as me. Leaning down, she kissed my forehead, "I couldn't do that to Bella anyway" She spoke, pecking my lips before the two of us turned around, our attention caught by the telephone ringing.

I stood up to join the unattended couple but stopped in my tracks, when my mate did too. After a few seconds her vision seemed to be over, her eyes darkening as they turned to look at me.

"Come" She took ahold of my hand rather harshly as she just dragged me along with her, into the house where we appeared to have interrupted something we wouldn't like to see.

"Bella. Bella, it's Edward" Alice swiftly replied to the question the human had asked Jacob. Bella's eyebrows furrowed as she replayed the conversation between him and the werewolf in her head. "He thinks you're dead, Rosalie told him why we came here" I explained.

Being a vampire, also comes with increased hearing, so obviously I could hear the whole phone call, while Alice was zoned out.

I glanced over at the tanned boy, who was avoiding all of our eyes, not being able to hide the painful obvious guilt in his face. "Idiot" I scoffed. There was no need for me to express my anger towards him any further, Bella got that covered. "Why would you- WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME SPEAK TO HIM" She shouted once she realized that thanks to him, she missed the chance to speak to the one boy she truly loved.

He stepped closer to her, probably attempting to intimidate her. In moments like that, I often wonder myself, are people blind? Like this girl literally has two vampires standing right behind her, ready to tear anything apart that just lays a finger on her.

"He didn't ask for you, Bella" Even the girl herself knew that Jacob was trying to 'get her back to reality' but the poor boy was only trying to make himself feel better because unfortunately for him, the blunt reality was that Edward loved the human girl more than anything else he ever loved and will love. That's just something teenage boys can't accept.


"Bella, Bella" Alice tugged on her arm, pulling her back from the smelly boy before she would jump at him and hurt herself. "BELLA, he's going to the Volturi" Now that was a reality check I didn't see coming.

"He wants to die too"

I am sick of loosing people. I can't do it anymore. Yes Edward and I may not always get along very well, but he was still my brother, and that for quite a long time now.

Without any other words said, I left through the front door and got in the car, not being able to witness any more useless seconds passing. I knew that Bella would come with us. An argument with Jacob wouldn't even be needed at that point. She loved Edward and if she wanted to save him then there's nothing a werewolf can do to stop her.

"It will be okay" Alice gave my hand a squeeze once she got in the car as well, only waiting for Bella now, who was trying to get the boy to leave her alone with the decision she made. "He left you Bella. He didn't want you anymore, remember?" He kept on trying, chasing after her like the dog he is.

"Shut the fuck up" I groaned out, tired of his voice that could probably haunt me in my dreams.

"No, I'm not gonna let him kill himself out of guilt" Bella maintained, opening the door as he continued to give her reasons to stay. "I'm 18. I'm legally free to go and I left Charlie a note"

He reached his arm out to her, his head sticking through the window. I scrunched my face up in disgust and put my arm over Alice's chest so his sweaty skin couldn't come into any contact with the clean fabric of my girlfriend's nice smelling shirt.

"Please, Bella, just stay here" He looked at her, thinking she would suddenly just change her mind and live a happy life with him. "For Charlie, or, for me" I honestly believed he was going to start crying at any second now.

"I have to go"

He took a deep breath as he continued to stare into the distressed girl's eyes "I'm begging you, please"

"As if that would change her mind, she said to leave her alone" I remarked annoyed, pressing the button so the window would do it's magic and I could pretend it shut his voice for me.

He looked down, frustrated as he let go of the car. "Finally" I said, turning my head away from his direction so I wouldn't have to endure the sight any longer.


@imacowboy on tik tok

Word count: 1011

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