Chapter V

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Nillia pov:

We parked the car on the forest side of Charlie's house, genuinely hoping the man was at work and wouldn't notice his daughter's absent. "Her truck isn't here" I noted, turning to Alice as she told me to go in anyways.

We entered the cold, empty house, shivering just at the thought of never seeing Bella in here again. "Alice?" I called for my girlfriend, uncomfortable with being in the dark room. "Alice I can't find the li-"

Thanks to the lack of attention I was paying, I bumped into her. "Sorry ba-" I shut my mouth, noticing that this could very unlikely be my mate's scent. "Ni-"

"BELLA" I jumped into the girl's arms, inhaling the smell of her scent that I missed having around so much. My eyes were filling with venom, the reason being the presence of my very much alive best friend. I couldn't imagine what I would've done if she really was dead. "Bella I love you, but you scared me to life" I breathed in the much calmer air, now that I knew she was okay, yet still not making an effort to stop myself from scolding her for trying to kill herself.

"Oh my God Bella" Neither did my girlfriend, as she was by my side in an instant when she heard me say the human's name. She took her in her arms as well, scolding her just when she was over the shocked state of her standing in front of us. "Would you like to explain to me how you're alive"

Bella stared at her for a few seconds, her red, puffy eyes showing nothing but confusion. "What?"

"I saw a vision of you" Alice continued, raising her voice as she thought the human was playing dumb on her. "You jumped off a cliff" I finished, telling her what my mate saw, although she pretty much knew that herself already. Her being the one that put herself in that enormous danger in the first place. "Why in the hell would you try and kill yourself" Alice's voice began to rise even more, which I honestly can't blame her for, but Bella really seems to not understand what she was telling her.

"I mean, what about Charlie, what about-"

"Babe" I took Alice's hand, wanting to calm her so our best friend had a chance to explain the earlier situation herself. I knew that if the pixie believed something, it's hard to convince her otherwise, but I know Bella isn't that stupid.

She is stubborn, and if she wants Edward back she'd eventually get him, one way or another.

"Let her talk" My thumb ran over her knuckles soothingly, as she slowly began to calm down, giving Bella needed space to breath.

"I didn't try to kill myself"

Alice seemed to back off a bit at the said statement, her posture becoming more relaxed now that she knew the brunette was being safe, partly. "See" Wrapping my arms around her waist, I spoke quietly, not wanting to interrupt the humanms rant on about what she actually was doing.

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