Chapter VII

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Nillia pov:

Bella placed her bag down and took a seat on the chair next to mine. "Are you okay Bells?" She seemed to be even more off than on other days. "Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine" She claimed, spinning her head away, without shame staring directly at Edward Cullen.

"Hey, La Push baby, ya'll in?" Eric asked, gaining everyones attention while he folded his hands. Bella and I shared a glance, "Should we know what that means?" She inquired for the two of us.

"La Push Beach down at the Quileute Rez, we're all going tomorrow" Mike cleared up, giving the dark haired no time for. "Yeah, there's a big swell coming in" Jessica added. "It's fun, you should come with us" Felt like we were urged to come with them. "La Push baby, it's La Push"

"Okay, I'll go if you stop saying that" Our whole table laughed at Bella's comment. "Seriously dude, it's creepy"

"Yeah I'm gonna have to pass, I'm not really a fan of water" I joined in, declining their offer. Bella's orbs darted to me, her expression not seeming very fond of my response. "You're making me go alone?" She whisper-yelled. "Naw, but you're not alone love. There's Jessica" I grinned as the brunette rolled her eyes.


I strolled through the lonely hallways, seeking for the bathroom to freshen up my makeup as to my surprise I suddenly made out a soft voice a few steps behind me.

"Hey" I turned around at the sound, eyeing the golden eyed pixie. "Hey" A small smile formed on my lips, following with an exhale of relief, thankful that she was despite my rudeness towards her, still speaking to me. "I know I'm not your favorite person to talk to, bu-" She began to say, just when I cut her sentence short. "No. Please don't say that, it's not true. I'm sorry I've been so mean"

"Well you stated it very clearly" She forced out a laugh. "I shouldn't have. What I said was never the truth" Her brows furrowed whilst she hesitated whether to believe what was said or not. "Why did you say it then?" She required in a monotone voice.

"It's complicated, Alice" I let a sigh escape my mouth, there was no reason for me to confess. "Now what did you want to talk about?" She took a surprisingly deep breath for someone who wasn't in need of it. "Well, my brother might has said some things, that were rather confusing, so I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come with us to our house after school so we could talk" A smile slowly creeped up my face. Alice Cullen was asking me to her house.

"I would love to"


"I can't believe we're bringing a human to our house, this is so dangerous" I overheard Rosalie whisper to Emmett. "Chill Babe, it's gonna be fine" He attempted to sooth his wife with his words, but the said girl only groaned in exasperation whenever I was mentioned.

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