Chapter III

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𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕

𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕

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Nillia pov:

Moving to London was in all honesty not as bad as we thought it would be. Although the first month did feel like I was going through literal hell. Not being able to see my best friend was hard on me. I promised Bella to be there for her, but this time it was Carlisle who insisted on keeping my distance for a little longer at first.

He believed it would be for the best to let her have some time to process the breakup first, before I go and give her any hope she shouldn't have.

I accepted his wishes for the sake of my best friend, but the feeling that she needs me didn't seem to let me go.

We have been in London for nearly five weeks, and my mood still was the same as in week one. Today is what some others may think a special day. But for a vampire, a birthday wasn't that pleasant.

Today was the day I turned 94 years old, yet my face still resembles that of an 18 year old teenager. Because that's what I'll always be.

I groaned out in irritation, leaning down to take a closer look at the lock my key won't fit in to.  I slammed my fist against the door, crying out a sound of exhaustion when I realized I had taken the wrong keys this morning.

Oh how I hated this day.

All I wanted right now was to just lay next to my unaware girlfriend, cuddled up to her body. But life had other plans for me.

"ESME" I called out, knowing the woman will for sure be home to open the door for me. And like I thought, so she was. Standing in front of me with a smile on her face, two short seconds later.

"I forgot my keys" I sighed quietly, slipping my shoes off as I went through the front door. "No big deal, are you already back darling?" She asked sweetly, placing a short kiss on my pale cheek before hanging up my leather jacket.

"Yeah there wasn't really anything that had my interest" I said, referring to the shopping trip I just attended without my lovely girlfriend.

"Well sounds like you had quite a boring day" She pouted, taking my hand to lead me to the living room. "I guess you could put it like that, yeah" I spoke, slight confusion overtaking me because of the way she was hiding her excitement.

"I do think I have a little something that could cheer you up" She winks, opening the door to the large beautifully decorated living room.

"Happy birthday" Everyone called as I entered. Though if I had been honest, a party was by far the last thing I could've wished for right now. And to top it all, Edward didn't even care to show. And I know that he knows.

"Happy birthday baby" Alice walked towards me, placing a kiss on the smile that was threatening to fall. "Oh my God. Thank you guys, so much" I spoke glancing at everyone, stopping just for a second to look the empath in the eyes.

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