Chapter II

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𝚆𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎

𝚆𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎

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Nillias pov:

"We need to leave" Were the words directed to us as we all were seated in the living room, enjoying each others company in silence. When all of a sudden Edward stormed in, intruding the peace with his appalling words.

"What are you talking about son?" Carlisle's eyebrows furrowed as he turned to look at his distressed son. Yet everyone in this room knew what the vampire was talking about. And it's certain that no one was very fond of it.

The boy turned his head away from us, refusing to put up with our angry stares and ran upstairs, from what I could make out, most likely starting to pack his belongings.

The oldest vampire sighed out before standing up, going after him to have a talk. We heard their voices all the way down, everybody being quiet to understand every thing being said. "I have to protect Bella" Edward breathed out, clearly not interested on discussing the want to leave.

"I understand that, but we can't just leave Forks" The blonde tried his very best to talk any sense into his son, but eventually we all already knew it would be no use. If one of the family decided on something, we all had to cooperate.

The voices became quieter until they stopped, Carlisle now standing in front of his family.

"We're leaving Forks" He announced to us, trying to avoid the eyes that were glaring at him in disbelief. "What?!" Rosalie was the first to raise her voice, annoyed that it's all because of the human again. Carlisle met her eyes sadly, regret in his voice as he spoke. "I'm sorry honey, but I won't let any of my children down"

She scoffed and stomped away, her being the next to start pack for our new home. "Well you let all of us down" I said, speaking for all of us. I didn't mean to be rude, but it's just the feeling I have that all he's doing is for Edward, instead for the rest of his children.

"I know, but you'll have to understand" I could only sigh in disappointment as I took my girlfriend by her hand, taking her upstairs to our room with me.

"Man I loved Forks" Emmett uttered sadly, walking up the stairs behind us, followed by our last brother who knew arguing would get us to nothing.

"I don't want to leave" Alice sat on our bed, watching me as I packed both of our suitcases. "Me neither love" I carefully stepped over all the clothes that were spread out on the floor and moved over to the girl, sitting down next to her. "We will come back, I promise" I stroked some of the hair that was in her face back and kissed her forehead, receiving a small smile.

"I hope so" She stood up and picked up a pile of her clothes, proceeding to put them in the suitcase. "I'll be right back" My mate nodded as I slipped out of the room, knocking on Edward's door. He didn't answer, but I didn't come here just to be send back, so I invited myself in, maddening the boy even further.

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