Chapter X

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Nillia pov:

Leaning on my truck, I observed the school parking lot - spotting Edward who was being forced to talk to me. A groan left my mouth as I saw the look on his face. "Bella forced me to do this, otherwise I wouldn't be here" He exhaled sharply, looking anywhere but in my eyes.

"I know you are not exactly fond of me, and I know this whole.. situation with Bella didn't make it any easier for you to trust me, but I can assure you, I mean no harm" It feels wrong saying that to someone who I share the same disliking towards each other with.

"And how am I supposed to trust you with that?" He asked doubtfully, raising his eyebrow. "I mean- I am your sisters mate which you know very well. My only intention is to be around her and I know it's only been a week, but she makes me feel complete and I certainly won't lose her because of your overprotective instincts" He smirked a little before letting his head fall down in defeat.

"All right Aiello, for the sake of my sister I will pretend to like you from now on" I cringed at the use of my last name.

"That didn't sound very pretending Cullen, I know you like me" He let out a quiet laugh, yet not saying no as we rejoined his family. "Look who's finally getting along" Alice smiled and took my hand, "Told ya" She teased while kissing my cheek. "Pssht, he's only pretending Alice" I snickered and walked in with her.

"What was that earlier, one week and I already make you feel complete" She teased as we came to a halt by my locker. "Hush, I know you get nervous whenever you see me" She pressed her lips together at my sudden boost of confidence. "Oh is that so?" Ignoring her stare, I rather looked at the books laying in my locker. "Yes, now shut up"

She giggled, "You know what really would make me feel complete? If you would join our baseball game later" She said, giving me her Alice puppy eyes. "Yeah sounds fun, because I will totally beat you" I whispered the last part, grinning in her face while I pretended she couldn't hear me.

"Yeah right, in your dreams maybe" She mumbled, pushing the small door in it's lock for me. "Did you say something baby?" I asked stupidly, letting her have the tease. "Nah, all good honey" Her lips pressed against my cheek before she walked off with a smirk on her face.

This woman is gonna be the death of me one day.


I stood in front of my closed door, waiting for Alice's car to pull up. She told me she would pick me up at 4pm for playing baseball with her family, and she is not one to be late. Still I stood there, waiting for the girl that made my dead heart beat so loud.

My head turned and my hand immediately reached for the doorknob once I heard the all too familiar car stop just before my house. I pushed the door open and ran down the stairs, jumping in Alice's arms. "Missed me?" She chuckled. My eyes darted at her "You've left me waiting for two minutes- two minutes of our time is now lost" I spoke, looking in her sweet golden eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry love, I didn't realize you would already miss me that much" She teased, letting me back down. I groaned and opened the car door of 'my' side. "You're my mate, stupid"

Her quiet giggles filled the car as she got in as well, starting the engine to leave my house on its own. She took my hand in hers, holding it as she drove further into the woods. I tensed up at her touch, her cold hand grasped around my own made me quite nervous, even though it did happen a few times before.

The pixie silently smirked to herself as if she could sense what I feel- what she could do to me.

We pulled up on a larger spot where we could play the game unbothered. "Ready?" She made sure before opening the door. But before she could receive an answer from me, I was already out, jumping into Esme's arms.

She happily returned the embrace and wrapped her arms around my figure. "I'm glad you could come honey" She said, kissing the side of my head. "Of course, wouldn't want to miss beating you guys" I smirked, earning a light slap on my head. "Go back to Alice" She ordered, rolling her eyes playfully.

Alice held a dumb smile on her face. "You forgot your Cullen baseball cap" She marked while placing the cap on my head.

"I'm glad you're here we need an empire" We heard Esme say. I turned around and spotted Bella on the field being trapped in a side hug by mama Cullen. "She thinks we cheat" Emmett mocked teasingly. "Oh I know you cheat" She gave him a glare.

"And she is so right, because I will cheat" I whispered to Alice, winking at her. "Call 'em as you see 'em Bella, make sure to catch Nillia" She told her, glaring at me in a way that tells me not to even try.

"Okay" She laughs, stepping to the side as we got into our positions. Thunder starts to conceal every noise we could make for someone to hear. "It's time" Alice spoke, throwing her leg up as she let the ball fly towards Rose.

"Oh my God, hot" I stared at my mate who was smirking confidently.

"Okay, now I see why you need the thunder- That's gotta be a homerun right?" Esme pursed her lips while shaking her head slightly. "Edward's very fast" That he sure is.

He picked up the ball that he was chasing like his life depended on it, and threw it back before Rosalie could make it. "You're out"

"Out, WHOU" Emmett shouted, offering his wife the need to not only rip Bella's head off. "Babe come on, it's just a game" She stood up, glaring at the brunette threateningly as she stomped out. "Nice Kitty" I nearly burst out laughing as I heard Carlisle say that, but remained silent since I'm a tiny bit scared of Rose.

Alice swung her leg up again, having Carlisle hit the ball this time. Both Emmett and Edward ran for it and met when they jumped in the air, flinging each other to the ground again.

I laughed a little, hoping the ones that noticed thought it was at them, but truly I just witnessed how Rose attempted to swing her bat around like Jasper.

"My monkey man" I burst out laughing, almost falling against Bella when the blonde said that. "I'm sorry Rose" I was surprised she took it with humor and not un-a-doublelived me.

The focus was on Alice again, as she was about to throw the ball again. The pixie looked around confused before suddenly yelling,




Word count: 1193

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