chapter 24 the realisation

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The forest of death also known as the forest of the dead . Now you are wondering why is this fine forest is called forest of death or dead .yeah, that because this forest is full of magics and illusion if you go inside it's impossible to come out . When Lin xie explained about this forest she said that there are millions of new and unknown creatures are living in this forest and the demon spider we met earlier is one of them . The spider is very venomous and it can live thousands of years.  In this forest there and three types of animals. number one is just small useless animals which is rabbits , koala, cats, dogs, and some weird but cute things too yeah something fluffy and cuties. They are not dangerous. Then the number two is medium level animal like venomous snake, spiders , centipede, and jeetah , jaguar, panthers lions these animals are just average in the case of this forest the most and last number three is fishes which will eat you alive if you get in water and mosquito that can go through your ear to your brain and eat your brain , ants which is overly grown bigger than trees , bugs , insects like that are very very dangerous but there are also something that bothers me yeah in the story lin xie mentioned that there are most dangerous things in the world is living here yeah fire phonix which will melt a humen with in seconds and suck your qi and soul energy out of the dead bodies, soul eating python is one of them also which is larger than a mountain it's teeth even is bigger than us if we end up in front of them we die . And there is one more thing but that thing is never came out of its cave and it only eat a person with very High spiritual qi because that thing is a devine being, a dragon . A divine dragon which have very beautiful yet mesmerizing body but it will suck your qi if u have high spiritual qi in you, but if you don't have enough qi then you are lucky because divine dragon only kill those with powerful qi so I'm in safe zone

Zhe han massage his own chest to calm down he don't have a compess and he can't even use sword flying skill

but maybe Wang ye can

Zhe han turned his head slowly to Wang ye but he was already looking at zhe han " hm what should we do now? We don't have a compess with us how do we get out of here ?" Wang ye asked . Zhe han wants to ask that if Wang ye can do sword flight then atleast he can escape and call someone for help but somehow he doesn't want to be alone here .
Wang ye turned his head to ask something but suddenly he felt a strong yet bloody presence of something dangerous from  sixty-two kilometres away.

What is it? I can sence it's power from here? It's not a average magical beast.

Wang ye thought while looking at the direction then he closed his eyes and looked through sixty-two kilometres while use demon eyes technique then his vision zoomed from his position to far far away then he saw a pair of eyes which is glowing red and looking at him, suddenly he felt uneasy and chocked and he covered his mouth with palm then he looked at his hand . There were blood ,blood from his mouth zhe han ran to him and sat next to him. Zhe han's hands slowly massaged his chest he looked at zhe han with a surprised expression but zhe han didn't ask anything he just smiled at him . A warm smile that no one gave him before.

This is bad that thing saw us , it must be heading here , I'm sure it's not something that we can deal with.

Wang ye worries and looked at zhe han in front of him .
" Zhe han your sword is a spiritual sword right?" Wang ye asked out of the blue making zhe han look at him with a surprised expression
" Yes , it is why?" Zhe han's reply was very simple.
" You can do sword flying right?" Wang ye looked at him waiting for his reply but zhe han made a sad and disappointed look on his face " I can't" he replied, that reply made Wang ye a little surprised. And also his heart wants to ask a question to zhe han! Why didn't you learn cultivation,? Why do you hate cultivators that much?
He wanted to ask but those words didn't left his mouth . " We don't have compess and we can't use sword flying now we only have one way" Wang ye said making zhe han look at him with a surprise in his face but somehow Wang ye don't look like he is happy ." What is it?" Zhe han asked
" Teleportation" Wang ye replied
Zhe han was jumping inside his head like crazy because he couldn't believe that there is a way to escape from here back to peak . He was the most happiest person at that time . Zhe han's face sparkled with happiness but Wang ye's face looked down
" Wang ye? Why u don't look happy? Isn't it great that we can get out of here,?" Zhe han patted his shoulders to  cheer Wang ye up . Wang ye looked his zhe han and gave him a smile but that wasn't a happy smile. Just a forced one. ," Ok let's do it " Wang said and stepped forward and he put his hands in his own chest level and waved some hand signs . Zhe han looked at him with sparkling eyes.

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