chapter 29 : the arise of God of death

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When the break has started Cheng yi took his bag and walked to the library and sat down on the empty chair that was placed at the corner of the library. No one will notice him from here and I is a little dark here so he won't get distracted while reading, he always choose dark and silent and not many people places to read and spend his time . He placed his bag on the chair hanging it and take the second part of the eternal love and started to read .

Three years After zhe hans death on a winter.
A small foot of a little girl slowly walking forward through the snow , she left her small foot print as a evidence of her arrival. She held a white spider lily flower in her left hand and she pulled her red royal clothes with her right hand to stop from tripping while walking the snow .he long red hair flew along with the western wind like it is lightweight like a feather . She stoped walking before a grave stone looking down at the unknown named grave stone . The name isn't visible because of the snow coat that appears there she sat down and wipped the snow away with her pink small hands and a name slowly came visible to her small doe eyes .

Zheng zhe han..(young master of shang Lin)

" Shang Lin peak young master zhe han !! It's not time to be sleeping,, !! " She said in a slow voice . And she placed the white spider lily flower on the grave stone and walks few step back from the grave stone and opened her mouth and shouted in a loud voice making the sky dark , the winds direction changes , the smell of the snow changed into a smell of flesh and blood , the spider lily that was placed on the grave stone started to change into red. And a lot of red spider lily flowers appeared around the grave stone and bloomed .

" Arise" her loud voice made the bird tremble in fear and the wolf feared her and ran off into the wild . And suddenly the atmosphere changed into dark and creepy like a reincarnation of a devil is happening and the sky screamed with the pain then a silent lightning appeared and breaks the grave stone into thousands pieces like an explosion.
Her eyes sparkled with happiness and her lips curled into a devilish smile..and at the explosion the fog spread like a sand Strom making nothing visible to the eyes and after a while the Strom ended without a sound , a man in his black and blood red clothes scratched and ripped dress stood there his long hair flows along with the circling wind he has a weird sword in his waist his red clothes flows as the wind flows , the flowers danced with happiness and the wind carried his long hair , the the spider lily flower were ripped from the snow and ripped into pieces and it flows in the wind circling like he is a choosen one his long brown hair also going along with the wind  his short bangs that used to cover his eyebrows and forehead is now long up to his shoulder it's not anymore covering his wide and beautiful manly looking forehead it's not covering his dark brown eyebrows and eyes lashes,his structure was more manly and stronger than before. His small tender hands is not anymore the smalls it was veiny and strong looking and his body was fit and curved the dress he was wearing hugged his perfect manly body like a leach he turned around and looked at the small lady who is smiling evil. His dark reddish brown eyes glowing at the Fogg made her take few step back  he smirked at her reaction. His flawless face was very beautiful and manly he slowly walking to the small lady she waited for him . The suddenly in a light speed he appears infront with a small air flowing between them he stood in front of her few inches away looking at her eyes firmly.she breaks the eyes contact and backed away

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