Chapter 1

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A beautiful boy woke up because of the sun rays that were shining through the window of his small apartment, enhancing his beautiful features. Opening his big bambi eyes, he looks at his table clock which shows 8 in the morning.

He sat up on his bed and then remembered that today was his first day in college. He quickly went to the bathroom to do his morning routine.

After doing his morning routine he made his way to the kitchen and made his breakfast, after eating his breakfast he went to the bus stop and took the bus.

After reaching his station he saw some students going toward the college entrance.

Once he enters he doesn't know what to do and where to go. He thought of asking someone, but he knows that no one will help him as he is not rich like them.

Kook was just standing in the middle and wondering what to do. Only when he heard a deep, soft voice. When he turned back , His heart started beating fast. He couldn't help but stare at the handsome man standing infront of him.

He didn't even know how long he had been staring at him. Only then he heard a deep chuckle which makes him blushed. He slowly diverted his eyes from him and after handling himself he look at him.

??: "Hey, are you junior?", asked softly.

Kook: "Y-es," stutter

Tae: "I am Kim Taehyung and you?".

Kook: "Jeon Jungkook", says slowly.

Tae: "Ok you can go to the theater in front as all the juniors are there", says softly.

Kook: "Why is something happening", asked panicking.

Tae: "Don't worry Principal sir is welcoming all the juniors that's why he called", boxy smile.

After seeing his smile, kook again got lost in him. He said after a while.

Kook: "Ok, I will go, but you will not come?".

Tae: "Of course, I will come but first, you go ok", again giving his beautiful smile.

Kook then go where that handsome boy told him to go. When he entered inside, everyone was staring at him and makes such faces that they are feeling nauseous, he still quietly go to a corner seat and sat down.

After some time, the principal came and started giving a lecture, but kook's mind was not in his lecture but in the mind of that handsome boy, he was just thinking about him.

Kook then finally tried to listen to the principal, he was talking about the students who got scholarships, then he heard his name being called.

Mr. Han: "Jeon Jungkook, Come up on the stage".

Kook slowly went to the stage, and everyone was looking at him like he was an alien.

Mr. Han: "Congratulations on getting the scholarship", smile.

The whole theater hall was silent, Only then kook heard the sound of applause, when he looked up, he saw the same handsome boy.

Tae was clapping with his boxy smile and kook was just staring at him without blinking his eyes.

Kook then takes his seat and looks at tae who was sitting with his friends.
He was only looking at him when suddenly tae also looked at him and winked at him which makes his cheeks turn red.

After the lecture is over, all the students go to their classes.

Jungkook also goes to his class. After some time the teacher comes and the class starts, that's how time passes.

Now it's time for recess, all the students go to the canteen

Jungkook also packed his things and went to the canteen with his lunch box.

He was about to eat his food when someone banged on his table hard. When he looked up, he saw a guy looking at him with a ugly smirk.

Minho: "Hey, poor boy", smirk.

Kook ignores him and tries to eat his food but then Minho pulls his hair harshly making him scream in pain.

Kook: "Aahh leave me", crying.

Minho: "Wow You have courage to ignore me huh?. You know who I am.
I am Minho, the bully of this college, everyone is afraid of me and you, the beggar, is ignoring me" spoke angrily.

Minho didn't release kook's hair but pulls them harder. Kook was just crying silently only then he heard a deep angry voice.

Tae: "Minho, what are you doing, leave him" spoke angrily.

Minho then pushed kook hard. Kook was about to fall but two arms securely held him by his waist. Tae softly caressed kook's cheeks who looks at him with his teary eyes.

Tae: "Hey, jungkook are you okay?"
asked gently.

Jungkook: "Yes", replied by looking at tae's almond eyes.

Tae then glares at Minho who gets scared.

Tae: "What are you doing, I told you not to disturb any junior, right?"
Asked deeply.

Minho: *Silent*.

Taehyung: "If I see you troubling someone again, then see what happens", glares at him.

Minho nodes and then he angrily glares kook and slowly walks away.

Tae looks at kook who was looking at him lovingly.

Tae: "Have you eaten?".

Jungkook: "No".

Taehyung: "Come with me" spoke softly.

Kook also walks with him without thinking about anything. Both come to the garden where there are not many students, and sit on a bench. Then Tae goes to the canteen and brings food for kook.

Tae: "Here" gives food to Jungkook with a smile.

Kook: Take the food and say "You will not eat".

Tae: "No, I already ate mine".

Kook give him his bunny smile and start eating

Tae: "Your smile is very beautiful," says softly with his beautiful boxy smile.

Kook blushed, it was the first time someone called him Beautiful.

Kook: "Thank you", with his red cheeks.

Kook: "You are my senior right?", asked nervously.

Tae: "Yes I am your senior but you don't have to worry as we are friends, now Ok".

Jungkook: "Ok", bunny smile.


Then both go to their class and just like that time passes and college is over.

At night kook's thoughts were filled with tae, how tae made him feel things that he never felt before.


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