Chapter 23

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Tae walked alongside his father, through the bustling corridors of the company headquarters.

As they walked, Tae couldn't help but notice the curious glances and hushed whispers that followed them. The women passing by seemed particularly intrigued by his presence, their eyes lingering on him with a mix of admiration and curiosity.

??: Who's that?" one whispered, her voice tinged with excitement.

??: "He's so handsome," another murmured, her gaze fixed on Tae as he walked with his father.

??: "He's the son of Mr. Kim, right?"

But Tae remained unfazed by the attention. He didn't care about their creepy stares.

As the time came for the formal introduction, Tae stood by his father's side.

Mr. Kim: "Ladies and gentlemen", he began with a warm smile.

"It is my great honor and privilege to introduce to you the future of our company, my son, Kim Taehyung. He is the new CEO of our company."

A round of applause erupted and a ripple of surprise spread through the crowd hearing Mr. Kim words.

Tae: "Thank you, Dad," smile.

"I am honored and humbled by this opportunity to lead our company into the future. I look forward to working alongside each and every one of you to achieve our goals and aspirations."

As he spoke, Tae's eyes swept across the room, meeting each person's gaze with warmth and assurance. But he also notices the lingering gazes and flushed cheeks of some of the women present.


Kook sat alone in his room, his heart heavy with longing for his beloved husband. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as he yearned for his comforting presence by his side. The hours seemed to drag on, each tick of the clock echoing his loneliness.

Kook: "I miss you hubby".

Suddenly, a loud knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He looked up to see his mother-in-law standing there with blank face.

Mrs. Kim: "You poor boy. We have guests coming this evening. So dress nicely and Do not embarrass me", demanding tone.

Before kook could reply back she swiftly left the room making him sigh in annoyance.

As the evening unfolded and the guests arrived. Kook caught sight of the unexpected guests: Nancy and her mother. Kook's stomach churned with unease at the sight of Nancy's familiar face. He knew that bitch's intention.

With a forced smile plastered on his lips, kook greeted Nancy and her mother.

They were just talking. When a moment later, Nancy eyes swept over kook with a look of disgust.

Nancy: "Aunty, is this the boy my Tae has chosen?", mocked.

Mrs. Kim nodded with a irritated face. The confirmation only fueled Kook's mounting frustration. Without a second thought, his hand lashed out, striking Nancy with a hard slap.

Kook: "How dare you Bitch!", his voice thundered, laced with anger.

"How dare you refer my husband as 'my Tae'? He's not your Tae. Only I have the right to call him mine!".

Mrs. Kim: "What the hell, Jungkook?. Are you mad?".

But Kook's one single glare silenced her, his expression daring her to challenge him.

With a mixture of shock and resignation, Mrs. Kim fell silent, her words swallowed by the tense atmosphere.

Kook: "Leave both of you before I do something worse", his words were sharp as knives.

The weight of his words hung heavy in the air as Nancy and her mother without wasting any time left from there before glaring at kook who smirk.

As Nancy and her mom departed, Kook's gaze lingered on his trembling mother-in-law.

Kook: "It's just a trailer, dear mother-in-law. If you repeat this again, then be prepared to face the consequences. And I won't even consider that you are older than me", he warned, his voice dripping with intensity.

With a last glare, Kook goes to his room, leaving Mrs. Kim stunned and speechless who was still processing what happened just now.


As night fell and tae returned home, he found his mom sitting on the couch looking sad. Puzzled, he settled beside her.

Tae: "What happened mom?. Are you okay?".

Mrs. Kim looks at him with sad eyes and gently holds tae's hands.

Mrs. Kim: "I don't know my son. What happened to your wife".

"Today I had called my friend and Nancy, I don't know what happened to him, he suddenly slapped Nancy hard who had innocently inquired about his well-being. I even tried to stop him but you know what he did? He shouted at me", her eyes glistening with fake tears.

Tae's brows knitted together in disbelief
as he listened his mother's words. He shook his head not believing his mom's words that his beloved spouse could ever commit such acts of violence.

Tae: "My wife would never do that", he says softly.

Mrs. Kim looks at him with a flash of anger and hurt. She couldn't believe that her son didn't believe her.

Mrs. Kim: "So, you think I am lying?", her voice filled with disbelief.

Tae: "No, Mom, I'm not saying that," he reassured her.

"But I know my Kookie wouldn't act like that without reason. Perhaps Nancy did something to provoke him."

Mrs. Kim's expression hardened, a mixture of disbelief and rage crossing her features.

Tae: "I must go now mom. Kookie must be waiting for me", smile.

Mrs. Kim nodded absently, her mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events.


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