Chapter 28

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Mrs. Kim sat in her room, lost in deep thought. She knew that Kook must have revealed the truth to tae about her locking him in the room. Her heart pounded with fear.

Just then, Tae entered the room with kook, his expression serious as he approached his mother.

Tae: "Mom. Let me ask you straight," he began, his voice cold.

"Why did you lock Jungkook in the room when you knew he had to make dinner?".

Mrs. Kim's heart sank, but she quickly composed herself and put on an innocent face.

Mrs. Kim: "Oh, Tae, it was an accident. I didn't mean to lock him in. It was a mistake. I didn't realize he was in there", she lied, her voice trembling.

Tae: "Mom, don't lie. Jungkook told me everything. Just tell the truth", coldly.

Kook: "Yes. Just tell the truth that you are the one who locked me in the room", shout.

Mrs. Kim looks at tae with her sad eyes and held tae's hand in his.

Mrs. Kim: "I am not lying bear. I accidentally locked him. I didn't know he was there. Who knows Jungkook is lying".

Kook's anger flared at Mrs. Kim lie. His hand trembled as he raised it, intent on delivering a slap on her face but tae intervened and looks at him in disbelief.

Tae: "Jungkook what are you doing?. Calm down?", coldly.

Kook tightly closed his eyes and softly pecked tae's cheeks.

Tae looks at his mom who was looking blankly at kook as she was shocked at how kook almost slapped her.

Tae: "Mom, please, just tell the truth," he pleaded.

Before Mrs. Kim could respond, Mr. Kim entered the room, his expression stern as he assessed the situation.

Mr. Kim: "What's going on here?" he demanded.

Mrs. Kim's tears welled up as she turned to her husband for support.

Mrs. Kim: "My son doesn't believe me, honey. He was thinking I am lying", she sobbed, her voice trembling with fear.

Mr. Kim's face hardened as he turned to his son.

Mr. Kim: "You trust your wife, but not your mother?. Is this how we raised you?, he exclaimed, his disappointment palpable.

Tae: "Yes I trust my wife. I know he will never lie to me", he declared, locking eyes with his father and held kook's hand in his who was lovingly looking at him.

Listening to this, Mr. Kim's face contorted with fury, and he raised his hand to slap Tae. But Kook, stepped in, gripping Mr. kim's arm tightly.

Kook: "Dare to touch him and I will forget you are my husband's father.", he warned with his rage eyes.

Mr. Kim's hand froze in mid-air, shock registering on his face as he stared at kook.

Kook turned to Tae, his gaze softening with love and support.

Kook: "Let's go, baby. Let her say whatever she wants. We have each other." he said gently, intertwining their fingers

With a final glare at his trembling mother-in-law, Kook led Tae out of the room. And as they walked away, Mrs. Kim was left alone with her lies, the weight of her deceit heavy upon her heart.


As Kook and Tae entered their room, the air heavy with unspoken tension. Without a word, Tae stepped into the bathroom, his mind heavy with the weight of recent events.

Meanwhile, Kook observed him silently, his gaze following Tae's retreating form with a mixture of concern and worry.

After a few minutes, unable to bear the distance any longer, Kook followed Tae into the bathroom, finding the door unlocked. What he saw within pierced his heart like a dagger.

Tae stood beneath the shower, fully clothed, tears streaming down his face, his closed eyes hiding the pain within.
Kook's heart clenched at the sight, his breath catching in his throat.

Kook: "Hubby...", his voice trembled.

Without hesitation, Kook stepped into the shower, his own clothes quickly becoming soaked.

He reached out, his fingers brushing against Tae's cheek in a tender caress.

Kook: "Hubby, what's wrong?" Kook's voice was soft, laced with a gentle urgency.

Tae's shoulders shook with silent sobs. He turned to face Kook, his eyes brimming with tears, his voice choked with emotion.

Tae: "I'm sorry, baby," Tae's voice cracked.

"I didn't know my mom could do that. I'm really so sorry."

Kook's heart shattered at the sound of Tae's broken voice, his own tears start to flow from his eyes.

Pulling Tae into his embrace, Kook held him close and caressed his back.

As the water continued to fall, washing away the traces of sorrow and despair, Kook spoke softly, his voice a soothing balm to Tae's wounded soul.

Kook: "Hey, calm down, my baby," his words were gentle.

"Please my life, my heart is breaking seeing your tears."

With a tender gesture, Kook leaned forward, pressing his lips against Tae's tear-stained cheeks, tasting the salt of his sorrow.

After crying for some time in Kook's arms, Tae's sobs began to subside. Kook lovingly pecked his forehead, his heart swelling with love and compassion for the man he held most dear.

Gently guiding Tae out of the shower. Tenderly, he helped Tae change into fresh clothes, his hands moving with care and tenderness as he tended to his beloved's needs.

With Tae settled into bed, his breathing steady and calm, Kook lingered by his side, watching over him with a sense of protective devotion.

Kook: "My baby", lovingly kissed tae's forehead.

As Tae drifted into a peaceful slumber, Kook remained by his side. After some time, he changed into dry clothes himself.

Kook: "Sleep now, my love. I'll be here beside you, always", he softly murmured.

After admiring his hubby for some time, he drifted off into a peaceful slumber, finding solace in tae's presence.


From that fateful night, everything shifted in Tae and Mrs. Kim's relationship. Tae never talk to his mom.

The regret weight heavy on Mrs. Kim's heart, knowing she had caused pain to her beloved son. It was a punishment far greater than any she could have imagined - that her son refused to spare even a single glance at her, treating her as if she were invisible.

Mrs. Kim often found herself lingering outside tae's room, hoping for a sign of forgiveness, but all she received was the cold silence that echoed through the house.

Days turned into weeks, and still, tae remained distant. Mrs. Kim's heart ached with each passing moment, wishing she could turn back time and undo the things she had done. She longed to hear his voice again, to feel the warmth of his embrace, but it seemed like an impossible dream.


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