Chapter 30

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On a Sunday afternoon, Tae and kook decided to go to the mall.

Their fingers intertwined as they reveled in each other's company. With laughter dancing in their eyes, they wandered through the bustling aisles of the shopping center, their hearts light and carefree.

Tae strolled down the aisles of the clothing store, his eyes scanning through the racks of shirts while Kook trailed behind him admiring his hubby.

Suddenly, Kook's eyes caught sight of a stylish shirt that he thought would look perfect on Tae.

Kook: "Hubby, try this on," he suggested, handing him the shirt with a grin.

Tae: "Sure", boxy smile.

"I'll be right back, baby. Don't miss me too much," he teased, winking playfully making kook chuckled.

Tae accepted the shirt before disappearing into the changing room. Inside, he slipped on the shirt, admiring himself in the mirror. The fabric hugged his frame just right, accentuating his toned physique.

When Tae emerged from the changing room, Kook's jaw nearly dropped. His hubby looked effortlessly handsome, his upper buttons undone, teasingly revealing a glimpse of his toned chest and his sleeves rolled up, revealing his strong, veiny hands.

Kook: "Wow, hubby you look incredible," he remarked, his admiration evident in his voice.

Only then kook couldn't help but notice the lingering glances from other shoppers, particularly from a group of girls who whispered among themselves as they ogled his husband.

Unable to contain his possessiveness, Kook took matters into his own hands. Grabbing Tae by the collar, he swiftly buttoned up the shirt, his gaze fixed on the girls with a protective glare.

Kook: "It's only mine to see," Kook whispered slowly, his voice a mixture of possessiveness, as he gazed into Tae's eyes.

Tae's lips curled into a playful smirk, his eyes sparkling with amusement at Kook's protective gesture.

With a gentle peck on Kook's lips, he pulled him closer by the waist, his touch sending shivers down Kook's spine.

Tae: "Possessive much, hah?" he teased, his voice low and husky.

Kook blushed and wrapped his arms around tae's neck.

Kook: "Yes, what's mine is only mine," smirk.

Tae chuckled and softly pecked kook's forehead.

Tae: "Only yours", whispered softly.

Kook smiled widely and captured Tae's lips in a passionate kiss, Ignoring the curious stares and hushed whispers of the surrounding crowd.


As they passed by a display of blooming flowers, tae's eyes twinkled with mischief as he plucked a single red rose and presented it to kook with a charming smile.

Tae: "For my beautiful wifey", he declared, his voice filled with love.

Kook's cheeks flushed with color as he accepted the rose, his heart swelling with love for his romantic hubby.

Kook: "Thank you, darling. You always know how to make me feel special," he replied, his voice soft with adoration.

Their romantic moment was interrupted by the sound of soft music drifting from a nearby café, prompting tae to suggest.

Tae: "Shall we stop for a moment and enjoy a cup of coffee together?"

Kook's smile widened as he nodded in agreement, his heart fluttering with happiness at the thought of spending more time with his hubby.

Kook: "I'd love to," he replied, his voice filled with warmth as they made their way to the café.

Seated at a cozy table by the window, tae and kook sipped their coffee in comfortable silence, their hands intertwined as they gazed at each other. In the warmth of each other's presence, time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the beauty of the moment.

As they admired each other, tae reached across the table to gently brush a stray lock of hair away from kook's face, his touch sending shivers down kook's spine.

Tae: "I love you so much, baby", whispered lovingly, his eyes reflecting the depth of his love.

Jungkook's heart swelled with emotion at Tae's words, his eyes brimming with tears of happiness.

Kook: "I love you more darling. More than you can imagine", he replied, his voice barely above a whisper, his hand reaching out to grasp Tae's in a gesture of unwavering devotion.

Both shared a loving smile. Their beautiful moment was interrupted by the soft strains of a love song drifting through the air, prompting tae to stand up and extend his hand towards kook.

Tae: "May I have this dance?" he asked lovingly with a smile.

Kook: "Sure".

With a smile that lit up kook's entire face, he accepted tae's hand, rising to his feet as they swayed together to the gentle rhythm of the music.

Wrapped in each other's arms, they moved in perfect harmony, their bodies pressed close as they reveled in the magic of the moment.

As the song came to an end, tae and kook shared a lingering kiss, their lips moving in perfect harmony as they shared a passionate kiss filled with love and desire. Time seemed to stand still as they savored the taste of each other, their hearts overflowing with the depth of their affection.


A love to cherish (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now