Chapter 11

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(A/n: idk about the song it's just there)

Me, Chaos, and Mara sat in the living room watching whatever was on T.V.

Chaos sat like Chaos, Mara sat on the separate chair, and I was sitting on the floor again. Meanwhile, James was cleaning out the room for me and Chaos.

We had argument about who sleeps where but we somehow decided on sleeping in the same room.

'Buy now only at your local cheese market'

While I was watching weird programs, I felt two arms pick me up from the ground onto the couch, looking I saw Chaos wrapping his arms around me, intently staring at the T.V.

Not knowing what to do, I just stared back at the T.V.


"Alllright! The room is ready now", James cheerfully said.

We followed him into a room similar to the living room except it was the bedroom. "Here you go! Have fun but not too much fun~", Before I could comment James left the room closing the door behind him.

The room had a shower and I was going to take advantage of that. 

"Chaos, don't do anything stupid", Chaos had already spread out on the bed, "Oh, don't you worry", he replied.

I took some soaps and a towel and walked into the bathroom locking the door behind me.


I spiraled my body all over the fluffy sheets, hmm soft.

Oh yea! I have job to do!

I'm Happy Chaos and today you're going to hear what goes through my brain on a daily basis.

I hopped out of the bed, leaving the room

Miss Main Character have been describing everything like everything's ok BUT it's not. 

I have a feeling that things aren't what they seem.


Ahh yes, warm showers, I've missed this.

I rubbed more soap onto my skin

Mmm, The smell of citrus 

I hope Chaos isn't ruining the sheets

Speaking of Chaos, he has been acting weird lately, weirder than usual.

He's been very touchy lately and cute...

I hope i'm not mentally sick


I snuck around corner, seeing two shadows in the kitchen.

"Now we need to wait till they fall asleep", a female voice said.

"Oh yes! We should prepare side dishes", a male voice said.

"This will be delicious feast indeed!", the familiar female voice chuckled.

"I wonder how the blue one would taste? Like a blueberry?", the familiar male voice questioned.

Wait a second are they talking about me?

Are they-?

Before I could finish my thought I hurried back to the room.


Humming a tune you start put on your original clothes that has been washed beforehand.

Walking out of the bathroom you see Chaos laying on his back on the bed, still spread out on the blankets.

"Go take a shower", I walked up to the bed poking his chest. Surprisingly, he got up with no complaints and when into the bathroom. He looks exhausted 

Cuz I'm happy (Happy Chaos x reader)Where stories live. Discover now