6. - Life as a Snake.

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A little over a week has gone by since my reincarnation in this world. I have been just wandering around the forest scape, killing any monster I encountered to try and grow in levels.

Even with my absurdly high stats and such, I still found that levels were sort of important.

I mean, they allowed me to grow even stronger and increase my already absurd stats even more.

Currently I have actually decided to rest inside an old, hollow and fallen tree trunk.
The inside was rather cosy, although it most likely only seemed like that to me, since I was a snake.

'I will not lie.. Just wandering and killing monsters isn't very interesting.'

I thought, sinking into my own coiled up body.
Silence set in as I simply sunk into my own thoughts.

'I guess I'll just look at my stats..'

I thought before exhaling and looking down a bit, just enough to be looking dead infront of me.

"Open Status."

I said and a moment later, a window opened, just like last time.


Name: Faofa Shin

Species: Inferior Serpentine

Age: 0

Level: 13



HP; 5100
ATK; 780

-Inspector; Common Skill
-Devourer; Individual Skill
-Hunter; Common Skill
-Venom Pour Down; Rare Skill


Quite the arsenal of skills so far, if I say so myself.
Even though there weren't a lot of them, I'd say for someone of my species and level, that's quite... A lot, I guess.

I did lose the 'Prefixation' skill I had acquired, since I had encountered a monster with the ability to vanquish skills, so it was a shame I didn't get to use it or find out what it did.

One thing I also realised was that the skill "Devourer" didn't work exactly like the predator skill that I know Rimuru had.

While it did Devour the soul of those I killed, what it didn't do however, is give me the ability to 'mimic' whatever I devoured the soul of. It also didn't give me any skills from those I killed.

What it instead did with granting skills, is create them from the additional Magic Energy that I took together with the souls I devoured.
So in short - every time I acquire a skill through the use of Devourer, I'm not 'stealing' the skill from the thing I devour the soul of.

Instead, I basically create that skill using the additional magical energy I devour.
It honestly was rather simple. Almost too simple if you ask me.

After closing the status window, I sighed again before uncoiling my body and throwing a look around.

"I guess I should keep moving or something. It's not like I have anything better to do."

I commented to myself before sliding out of the tree trunk and back outside into the forest, before looking around.
It was yet another peaceful day.

Mostly because I had killed off every monster near here for exp.

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