99. - A Happy Reunion...Or I hoped..

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      The group seemed to be a bit tense as they stood in their battle ready positions. Supplied with a well balanced party and a surprisingly decent formation of all the members, this party definitely had some kind of skill on its belt.
I mean, you don't survive this long against someone like Frindel without being atleast somewhat strong.

That being said...

The formation has a lot of weak spots.
27 In total.

32 if you include the possibility of attacking from underneath the ground.

Yeah, I thought so. While the formation was decent, it in no way as even close to being perfect. If anything, it was a bit lacking in terms of being able to cover all possible attacking spots.
The group would continue to keep their serious gaze locked with me. I could see the slight fear in their eyes.

They were afraid of me... For some reason.
I'm pretty sure I was covering up my aura with 'Undetectable' so why were they so afraid—?

They seem to possess the
<Blessing of The Deities> effect which allows them to see through all concealment skills.

Of course, they won't be able to lay an eye on your status thanks to me.

So basically to them I looked like someone who was on the same power level as Demon King or something... I see.
That explains a lot.

After a bit, I sighed before using my 'Shadow Manipulation' skill to quickly summon two shadow beasts to my side - one of them tall with elongated limbs and skinny, while the other one was shorter, but much beefer and tankier.
The group immediately tensed up, even backing up a bit.

[Fusaji] "Did it just summon other creatures..?"

[Tadamu] "It most definitely did. But it doesn't matter."

He gripped his sword tightly, before being encased in a white shine.

[Tadamu] "We'll take them down together!"

He shouted, before suddenly vanishing. Milliseconds later, he attempted to strike from behind me, only to be blocked by the tall shadow beast, that knocked him away.
The boy immediately regained his balance, not hitting the ground hardly as I had expected.

Then, the boy with the spear charged at me, his spear beginning to create a vortex of air around its tip as his speed began to increase to unreal levels.
Luckily for me, the beefier shadow beast appeared infront of me, easily tanking the incoming blow and absorbing all of its damage.

Fusaji exclaimed in suprise.

[Fusaji] "It tanked it—?!"

He was then knocked back by the shadow beast, but unlike the Swordsman, he hit the ground pretty hard. Although, he was back onto his feet quite fast.
The Sorcerer and the Druid joined the Spearsmans side, before preparing to fight.

I looked at the trio before looking at the swordman. The Swordsman seemed to have the most powerful skills from all of them.
I mean, that speed he reached just now was unreal.

That was the result of his Individual Skill
[Fast Tracks].

Can I keep up with him?

If you permit me to use [Fractured] to evolve the Common Skill [Swift Movement] - Yes, you will be  able to keep up.

'Then do i—'

Before I could finish the sentence, the swordman suddenly appeared infront of me again, attempting to go in for a strike, which I managed to block with my tail - before knocking the boy back.

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