33. - Again... Evolution? Ugh..

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Avid was quickly sprinting through the forest him and Faofa had traversed a small while back - only this time, he was together with a group of guards and a party of adventurers, as well as the Guildmaster Gidou - as he lead them towards the Monster Heart, where supposedly, Faofa and the Guardian were still battling.

[Guildmaster Gidou] "How much further is it?"

Gidou asked in the midst of the commotion.
Avid kept his gaze forward and didn't even bother to throw a look back at the Guildmaster.

[Avid] "Not that much. We're almost there."

Avid responded, before shedding a slight sweat under his mask.

[Avid] 'I really hope you're still alive Shin.. I'd hate to see a guy I tried to kill, die so fast.'

He thought.
As they were running, suddenly a massive beam appeared in the air above them, seemingly being shot at something.

[Avid] "Oh no.."

Avid noted to himself before picking up the pace - everyone that was with him doing the same a moment after.

The group finally reached the crater where the monster heart was - The Guardian of the Heart was standing infront of the heart, firing off its breath attack into the air at something.

[Guildmaster Gidou] "I have no idea what it was fighting... But I feel bad for whoever was that, that got incinerated by its attack just now.."

Gidou commented, before looking at the adventurers and guards with him.

[Guildmaster Gidou] "Minimize the damage! I have already requested for backup from the Holy Knights. All we need to do is hold it out here!"

"Yes sir!"

The adventurers and guards proceeded to begin running in opposite direction, however were suddenly stopped by Avid.

[Avid] "Hold on- Something is happening."

He stated, pointing to the breath attacks supposedly 'unfortunate soul'.
Somewhere towards the middle of the attack, there was crimson red lighting cackling about - seemingly blocking or even pushing the attack back.

Unknowingly for everyone on the bottom, the source of this red lighting was Faofa, who miraculously had somehow managed to not only block, but also begin to push back the breath attack of the guardian.

Magical Energy is being drained rapidly.

'Well, that much was obvious-'

He thought, putting in even more effort to push back the breath attack.

[Arabor] 'If my suspicion is right...'

[Arabor] 'Then Faofa may be destined for way more than I initially imagined..'

'Not gonna die just yet..!'

Faofa thought closing his eyes as the red lightning turned more and more intense.

[Arabor] 'Perhaps he is even destined... To become the strongest.'

Then, Faofa opened his eyes, which shined crimson red in the intense moment.

Activating Skill - [Serpents Wrath].

Deep red mist came from my body, before engulfing the red lightning. A few moments later, the mist combined with the lightning broke through the guardians breath attack, shocking all the people on the ground.

[Guildmaster Gidou] "What the hell is up there!?"

A couple more moments later, the red mist formed into a massive energy serpent, which roared loudly, before dashing at The Guardian, which attempted to interrupt it with another breath attack.

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