94. - The Snake of Abyss.

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        As the confirmation for the skill usage was announced, I felt a mass amount of Magical Energy just leave my body in a moment - making me feel a bit... Drained if anything.
For a few moments however, nothing was happening - 'Devourer' was 'warming up' to be able to take in all of The Abyss in one go. Then, after a couple of seconds later, it was unleashed.

Individual Skill [Devourer] unleashed.

Then - a giant aura practically exploded from me, expanding throughout the entire abyss, just barely managing to engulf the entire thing.
Afterwards, the Abyss began to slowly drag along with 'Devourer' as it began to return to my body, causing me to take in a ton of Magical Energy.

To give a rough estimate—

Astral Body structure -

'Shit- looks like my fake body is already taking damage-'

I thought, 'shedding' a sweat. (Not literally).
Now it's a game of 'How Long can it last before it shatters?'... Let's hope it doesn't destroy itself too soon.
The Abyss slowly was being dragged along with 'Devourer', approaching my body very slowly. Who would have thought, that absorbing an entire source of power, would be so... Difficult?

Luckily, I was able to only take the Abyss and avoid absorbing any of the Evil inside it, despite its roots being quite deep in the Abyss.
The main reason for this was mainly because the Ancient One is helping me regulate what my 'Devourer' absorbs and what it doesn't absorb, which was even more impactful on my Magical Energy reserves - which were already being slowly drained because of the mass use of 'Devourer'.

As I continued to slowly absorb the Abyss, the 'Evil' seemingly caught onto my shenanigans, as it suddenly sent multiple crimson red 'appendages', that actually were more like streams, towards me.

I'll take care of those.

Ancient One announced, before suddenly golden chains shot from my body and surrounded me, blocking the crimson red streams from getting to me, while also taking a greater toll on my Magical Energy.

Astral Body structure -

Damnit... it's starting to fall apart quickly.
I have to finish absorbing the Abyss as fast as possible - but it ain't easy.
The situation continued to escalate, as I eventually managed to get half of the Abyss absorbed into my body, now feeling pain which felt like it was burning me from the inside. And the 'Evil' didn't stop trying to attack me either, as it sent a crimson stream after a crimson stream towards me, trying to latch onto me to stop me.

It was starting to feel exhausting.
And... Almost like I was getting... Weaker.

It may be because your Real Body has taken precautions to start limiting your stats down to try and offset any damage that may occur with the absorption of the Abyss.

I see...
So basically my body is trying to save my life.

Astral Body structure -

My fake body was beginning to crack open and slowly fall apart, revealing my real snake body inside of it.
And worst of all - I wasn't even close to finishing the absorption of the Abyss... Can I handle it?

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