66. - Reunion with Jio.

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       Experience threshold has been reached.
You have risen to level 92.

Rare Skill [Cold Resistance] acquired.

Huh? Cold Resistance? Don't I already have 'Heat Regulation' that practically acts as a resistance to the cold and heat?

Not really.
Heat Regulation simply allows you to regulate your own body heat - however, extreme heat and extreme cold environments are still capable of effecting your body Master.

Ah.. that makes a little more sense.
I simply exhaled, before turning to face the monster I had defeated just now, in order to grab my 'Devourer' bonus, however I didn't have time to do so, as I was immediately taken back by the sight infront of me.

The defeated monster... Had turned into a human.
I feel like I shouldn't be shocked about this, since the whole 'Curse of the Wendigo King' thing was in the skill list of the monster, but I didn't actually think that the thing was a legit human or so that was cursed to look like that.

The human was male and had some pretty torn up and shabby looking clothing.
I kneeled down, trying to examine him a bit closer, as well as checking for any signs of life he may still have.

However, I was disappointed to find him not breathing and his whole body cold to the touch - although that may be just because of this rooms nature.

'Just to be sure... Ancient One, can you get a read on his life signs?'

I'm sorry to disappoint, however my analysis of the body also states that he is unfortunately no longer alive.
It seems as though he has been under this 'curse' for too long, which caused his actual body to practically give out.

I see...
Then I suppose I cannot do anything to help him, can I?


I'll take that as a silent 'No'.
I sighed in slight sadness. Although, I'm not sure whether I actually felt sad for the man. As a monster, my emotions had this weird thing where I'd barely feel anything when it came to other being deaths.

Guess that is a monsters heart for you..

I stood back up, before stretching my back.

'Can I use Devourer to atleast take his Magical Energy?'

No, you cannot.
I do not sense any Magical Energy inside of the man, which may mean that he had his reserves of it drained by something.

And I'm gonna guess that something, is the 'Wendigo King' or whatever the fuck put the curse on him.
I stared at the deceased man who laid on the ground for a little while longer, before lifting my left arm up towards him.

I can sense what you are about to do.
Are you sure, this is the best course of action Master?

'Well... No... I am not. However, this is the only burial I am able to give him.'

I replied, closing my eyes.
I then created a small flame in my left hands palm, before setting the corpse of the dead man a blaze.

Then, I opened my eyes, before putting my hands together in a praying position, lowering my head slightly down and closing my eyes again.
As a child, I was told to respect the dead with all I could, since you never knew what kind of life they had lived before their death.

Respecting their passing, was apparently the most you could do for them - as it would give them the motivation and power, to live out the rest of eternity in the after life.

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