39. - A Village in The Woods.

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I'm back! And with a another chapter for the story.
I would like to say with the utmost happiness that I will once again begin uploading chapters everyday from this post (There might not be a new years celebration chapter though).

Anyways, have an enjoyable read!


I and the small gorgan child continued to slither further on for quite a while. And yes, I remembered the word I was looking for earlier. (Lies, he just used Sages' Wisdom to appraise her.)

This child belonged to a race known as 'Gorgan' or more specifically for her, a 'Red Gorgan'. Apparently, this race was an evolution for the snakes of this world - being achievable by any snake as long as they made the right choices.

However, it also happened to be a race that one could simply be born as - such as this girl.

Learning that it was an evolution option for snakes though... It definitely made me think whether or not I'd be able to evolve into a Gorgan.

The evolution to 'Gorgan' will be impossible.


I sighed, before shaking my head lightly.

I continued to slowly slither after the child, who moved infront of me - throwing my gaze all over the place every moment here and there.

One thing I had to say - is that now I was cautious as hell. Mainly for two reasons —

First - I was trying to appear as nothing more but a monster, so I was trying my best to not speak a single word. This was to avoid any unnecessary trouble that may arise from the fact that a monster like me is able to speak a verbal language.

Second - those cloaked people.. I finally remembered where I had heard of that description before.
Back when I fought and accidentally killed that Kitsune or whatever woman... In her last moments, she mentioned that the man that had delivered the news of her sisters death was wearing a red cloak.

While this could be just a coincidence and unrelated, I didn't want to jump to conclusions - after all, those people had the same cloak that fit the description I had a little too perfectly for it to be just a coincidence and nothing else.

So, incase this was indeed related and the man I took a vow to kill was involved with whatever those people were part of..

'I shouldn't let my guard down this deep in the woods. Who knows how many other people like that are still here..'

While dispatching them would be a piece of cake - having a child with me acts as sort of a back hold. Since if a battle was to arise, I'd have to take into account the safety of said child so I don't accidentally harm her with my own skills.

[Gorgan Child] "Mr.Snake, is everything alright?.."

The child asked me, with slight distress in her voice. Looking at her, I managed to pull myself back together - I had sort of let my slight stress of overcautiousness slide onto my expression...

I quickly wiped off the slightly nervous expression, before nodding in response to the child, before using my tail to lightly pat her on the head, as a way to reassure her that nothing was wrong.

The child seemingly bought the reassurance and put on a smile, before looking back away.

'Gotta be more careful with my expressions.. Don't want the child to worry that something may happen..'

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