26. - Trio of Adventurers.

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   As the next morning rolled around, I entered the guild, only to find quite the commotion inside. Every guild employee seemed to be quite on edge about something.
Listening in closer, it seemed to be something about Halad being traumatised by something to the point of not being able to talk.

Wonder what scared the jerkish fucker that badly.
(He doesn't exactly remember what happened with Halad and his gang. Consider it as a case of a 'blurry' memory.)

'Eh- whatever happened, he deserved it.'

I thought before approaching the same Lizardman Receptionist once again.

"You don't seem very stressed like the others."

I said as I approached.
The lizardman receptionist lifted his head before smiling at the sight of me.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Well, yes I am not. I don't have to deal with solving that issue. I am just a receptionist after all."

He replied before clearing his throat.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "I presume you're ready to take on a quest today?"

"Mhm- any recommendations for me?"

The Lizardman Receptionist looked down at a small book, before flipping through a couple of pages.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Well, I can recommend a few things for you."

"That's good. Though I think I would like whatever would be the toughest task you can give me."

The lizardman looked at me a bit surprised before laughing a bit and looking back down at the small notebook.
After a few more moments he looked back at me.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Well, there is a quest surrounding a low ranked dungeon. If you want, I can put it on your name."

"Sweet! I'll take it!"

I replied with a lot of excitement in my voice, before giving the receptionist a thumbs up.
In all honesty, hearing that the dungeon was low ranked basically made it clear as day to me that it'll be a quick breeze for me.

Which wasn't a really good thing to be honest...
Partly because me clearing a dungeon quickly would get a lot of people asking questions and also partly because — I will be basically getting no exp from it..

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Right, then it's all yours."

He stated before handing me a small folded piece of paper.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "That's the map to the dungeon and it's interior structure. You should be fine with it."

He stated before smiling at me again.
I took the folded piece of paper, before throwing it into my small bag.

"Well, I'm off then-"

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Oh right, one more thing."

He suddenly said, causing me to stop before I could even begin to leave.

"Something the matter?"

[Lizardman Receptionist] "It's just that I wanted to inform you that you'll be able to advance to the next rank soon. Including this quest, you need to complete 3 more and you'll be able to take the promotion exam."

He stated.
Well that's certainly a suprise. I became an adventurer just 2 or something days ago, so already being close to promotion from D to E was sort of surprising.

Although... Now that I thought back on it — I was told that my activity in the guild can speed up or slow down my promotion.

So.. maybe that's the reason?
Well, whatever - time to see what the dungeon I'm about to go to is all about.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now