54. - A Journey, that is Too Long.

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       I had successfully made it back onto the path after leaving the infestations crater and was back on track towards the 'Deadmans Graveyard' once more.
After the infestation, I had encountered only a few monsters here and there while on the path - mainly low to mid level ones, that opposed basically no challenge to me whatsoever.

It was like that for the next 2 days of my journey - quite uneventful. However, the moment day 4 of my journey began, things went in the way, I could never have expected.

    I was only 1 more day away from reaching the 'Deadmans Graveyard' - my journey to here was almost over. Sure, I'd have to travel back all this distance when going back to Ordial, however when returning, I'll probably just be using my
[Shadow Manipulation] skill to quickly move back to the town and then if I'm asked about how I got back so fast, I'll just chuck it up to my Black Magic skill.

Even if I didn't have it - Black Magic spells could still be used with [Abyss Magic], so technically I wasn't lying about it.
I was just... Misleading a bit. Or I guess the correct way to put it, would be that I was twisting the story to my advantage to appear less suspicious.

That could be the right way to put it.
I guess..

I was currently somewhere inside of a different forest - the Blue Skies Forest. And I have to say, I can definitely see why it was named that.
All trees in the forest had ridiculously blue petal like leaves, which I have to say, resembled the Cherry blossom Sakuras that I knew from my previous world.

Just- replace the pink with blue.
That's the real difference.
....Alright, there were several differences - happy?

Anyways - the blue trees were very beautiful to look at I gotta say, however despite their beauty, I kept my guard up high as well as my skill,
[Overworld Detection] active the whole time. If the map was anything to go off of, this forest was home to some truly nasty enemies - mainly, wyverns.

Now, I don't know what they looked like, but wyverns were described as 'failed births of dragons' since they had only some dragon like qualities.
The main thing that made them fall into the category of non-dragon is their complete lack of the Individual Skill [Dragon Magic] or any of its variants, which every dragon was said to posssess.

Despite even this, these creatures apparently were ruthless, mindless monsters that attacked anything that moved - and apparently, they were not to be underestimated, since a single Wyvern would already be a challenge for a party of A-Rank adventurers.

However.... Given my ridiculous stat increase I got from my evolution I had around 2 days ago, I had nothing to really worry about.

Unless some god level, time manipulating Wyvern showed up or something.

I simply sighed to myself.

'Gotta say, this trip has been boring. So I'm excited to finally get it over with.'

I thought, before looking up at the sky. The sun was up high, beaming down onto the world below it. Watching it, made me suddenly wonder - does this world also have a cosmos? Are the people or creatures of this world aware of outer space and it's vast mysteries?

In my old world, the outer space was a well known, widespread knowledge - it was one of humanities biggest mystery filled areas, next to oceans.

So as someone who came from that world, I had this strange situation where I felt like I knew things, this world wouldn't understand.
Well... That much was actually obvious. I mean, in my world we had technology, no magic and some seriously deadly weapons.

Meanwhile here... The deadliest weapon could be just magic or something.

I continued to wander forward for a little while, before eventually hearing the sound of what sounded like a bunch of... Growling or roaring creatures. Using [Overworld Detection] I was able to get a clear idea of where the sounds were coming from before, getting an idea of their numbers.

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