13. - Well... Guess I have a Stalker now.

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   Next morning..

  I was immediately back on trail - slithering through the dense forest.
Man, last nights sleep was really good - I cannot remember the last time I had a decent quality sleep in my previous life.

Whenever I would sleep in my previous life, I'd always only manage to get in about 2-4 hours of poor sleep — I am sorta amazed that I didn't die from insomnia.

...Can a human die from insomnia? Is that possible?

Well, whatever - Point is, I didn't have many good quality rests in my last life.
The only way I could function was to down so much caffeine everyday.

Yeah, I wasn't very healthy.

As I continued to move forward, a strange feeling befall upon me.
It felt like I was being watched from somewhere - Like something or someone was simply watching me quietly from somewhere.

'A feeling everyone hates...'

I thought before throwing my gaze all over the place. If something was watching me, surely I'd be able to spot them - right?
Although... If they have been watching me for a while, then perhaps I won't spot them.

However, that was only a possibility right now - I had no way of knowing whether I was being watched or not.

I decided to ignore the feeling for now, however kept my guard up, in case anything happened.


  A little while later..

I was currently engaged in a fight.
With what?
Well - to be honest, I don't care. It wasn't very strong or even that intelligent.

The monster I was fighting seemed even dumber than the Inferior Direwolves I've fought before.

In case you are curious on what it is, my 'Mage' skills analysis stated that it's a 'Wolf'. So I guess you could just simply say it was the unevolved form of a direwolf.

Here is the analysis status, in case anyone is curious.

Monster- Nameless
Level- 12
Species- Wolf

Rank- ?

Basically a useless nuisance and an unworthy opponent for me. How the hell has it survived till now as a unevolved, level 12 wolf?

Well, who cares - it's going to die now anyway.
I then simply leaped onto its back, before sinking my fangs into its neck, killing it instantly.

Why didn't I finish it earlier?
Because I felt bad for it due to how weak it was.

After killing it, I quickly grabbed my 'Devourer' bonus, before hopping off of its corpse.

'It barely even gave me any exp or magical energy..'

I thought, sighing a bit heavily.
This thing may have just been a massive waste of my already precious and limited time.

I then took a look around - once again, feeling like something was watching me from somewhere. It was an unsettling feeling, because it kind of mimicked that feeling of being watched when you are all alone.
In my previous life, that is.

But it was also unsettling for another reason - that being the fact that I have no skills that allowed me to detect any abnormalities or anything.

'I seriously hope I'm just imagining this feeling and not actually being followed by anything...'

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