05. | oh yeah, you gonna cry?

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tears of a ghost
chapter title taken from the song by: lovejoy


"You know what? I take back my earlier statement. You're an ass."

"Don't be such a sore loser, Naoya."

"You could've gone a little easier on me," he sulked.

"Hah? You were the one who told me to give it everything I've got."

He sighed before continuing on, walking closer to Naoya in the process, "Don't be so grouchy. Technically you almost hit me this time. That's some good progress."

The two children were currently training hand-to-hand combat in the courtyard, with two guards keeping watch over them. There used to be more, but after Naoya's first defeat, it seemed he ordered them to be mostly left alone.

[Y/n] went to offer him a hand but stopped as a shiver ran through his body. He could sense it, unblinking eyes staring right through him, steadily watching him from afar.

It wasn't the two guards, that's for sure. These pair of eyes were different, and felt dangerous even. How long have they been watching?

"What got you so spooked?" Naoya asked, standing up by himself since [Y/n] forgot to offer his hand. [Y/n] stayed silent, questioning whether he should ask it out loud.

After making a decision, he answered softly, "Don't you feel it? I think someone's been watching us train all this time, but I've only noticed now."

The boy in front of him arched a brow. "...Okay? I don't feel anything. The only people watching us are those two over there," he pointed.

After Naoya finished pointing at the two guards, [Y/n] felt the presence vanishing, gone in an instant.

He tried to chase after it, heightening his senses, and detecting any sort of cursed energy. But nothing.

He could try and use his eyes, but grandfather forbade it. An order [Y/n] must keep to protect the family's secrets.

"Tch." He couldn't help but glare at Naoya. Now he had no clue as to what or who was watching him.

Good job, Naoya.

"What are you glaring at me for?! I think you're just too paranoid. You never look that well these past few months. Are you sick or something?"

[Y/n] rolled his eyes. "I'm not paranoid! I'm just better than you at detecting things. Also, I'm not sick."

"Oh? Then what's wrong with you then? Do tell," he asked, ignoring the first bit of [Y/n]'s comment.

He honestly didn't think Naoya would notice. Does he really look that bad compared to usual?

[Y/n] crossed his arms, a pout playing on his lips. "It's nothing, really. Training just got harder back in the house, that's all. Nothing for you to worry about."

Naoya huffed in return, "Who the hell said I was worried?" [Y/n] sighed while he blankly stared at the boy. He's quite funny sometimes, huh?

Naoya stared back before walking closer and tugged none too softly at his arm, motioning him to follow. [Y/n] raised his brows but did nothing to question the action, following him silently.

"Let's get some snacks."


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