17. | rock you like a hurricane.

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— 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 taken from: scorpions


The weather today is a delightful one indeed—so blue, so bright, and so incredibly beautiful. It stands in stark contrast to the very pretty crimson he sees when he closes his eyes shut.

Amidst the beauty of the bright day, the memory of his killing mere moments ago stains the vibrant canvas of his present self.

He remembers oh-so clearly the blood that seeped from the old man's body, painting the ground red along with his innards, an image that resonates over and over inside his mind.

He remembers the screams, oh the screams that man let out. Words flew out of those dying lips like a broken record as he sliced each body part away, painting the floor in more gore. The old man's desperate pleas meant nothing to him. Nothing at all.

But, most of all, he remembers the way he felt.

How the sight made the back of his neck prickle. How the metallic scent in the air caused his toes to curl. How his head pounded as he continued to watch the blood slowly spread on the floor.

Red. Red. Red.


Fear was not the emotion that clouded his mind. It should be—he knows it should be—but it fucking wasn't.

It bothers him.

It would be the most natural response, to feel fear when confronted with the bloody consequences of his actions. Grief, perhaps, would have been a much better response than what he had.

But, that was not what he felt. That was not how it went. Instead, all he felt was—

"Oiiii!" Gojo whines in his ear, "Are you even listening to your favorite senpai, [Y/n]? Come on, focus!"

He sharply exhales from his nose and tries to center his thoughts on the warm, reassuring hand that gently tugs him forward. Gojo's touch is a comforting one, a solid anchor amid his bloody thoughts.

That's right. He has to concentrate on the mission, and not on whatever this is that brews inside of him. He takes a deep breath, and says, "You're not my favorite senpai, didn't I tell you about this already?"

Gojo's mouth hangs open. "You've got to be kidding me. That's the only response I get?"

"Yeah," he responds dryly.

He glances at the white-haired sorcerer with a raised eyebrow. "What were you talking about...?" Gojo blinks in response.

Then the sorcerer rolls his eyes, tugging him by the arm to walk faster. "Ugh, forget about it. Come on, hurry up. Why are you so slow? We have to hurry and check on Amanai." He nods and lets Gojo lead the way to the chapel, not bothering to escape from the older one's grip.

It doesn't take long for them to arrive, especially with the help of Gojo's long legs. He stands back with his dagger and watches wordlessly as Gojo throws open the chapel doors with a shout, "Amanai!"

Multiple pairs of eyes blink at their sudden presence, with particular attention drawn to Gojo. Sensing the impending chaos, he slowly takes a step back. Even from afar, he can see the blush that dances on Amanai's cheeks.

"Riko, who is he? Your boyfriend?" A girl excitedly asks Amanai... who's redder than a tomato. "No! He's my cousin!"

A barrage of questions and comments soon follows. "Not bad, Riko," someone coos at her, and the other girls waste no time doing the same thing. "Is he a high school student? He's so tall!"

𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 → jjk x m! readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt