08. | a good song never dies.

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— 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 taken from: saint motel


Dark pillows of clouds filled the entire sky as thunder roared in the distance. No doubt, it was going to rain soon exactly as predicted by the weather forecast he watched today.

It seemed that almost every major city across Honshu and Kyushu would experience the humid and drizzly period of mid-July. Truly, a wonderful season to get a peaceful night's sleep, encompassed by the sound of rain coming from the windows.

But sleep could wait, it was still afternoon. And he still had to wait for Naoya to finish up his business inside.

Sitting on the engawa, he sighed as he kept watching the figure training by her lone self. What a stubborn kid.

"Stop training, will you? It's gonna rain soon," he warned with a gentle voice, not wanting to scare her. She ignored him, hands still clutched tightly around the wooden sword.

Was his voice too soft? He voiced out again, "Oi, it's gonna rain soon."

"Shut up. I know."


[Y/n] rolled his eyes. These Zenins.

"You're trying to catch a cold or something? Get inside, kid."

She scowled and glared at him from the corner of her eyes. "You're also a kid. Also, I won't catch a cold. It's fine." She resumed her training immediately.

[Y/n]'s mouth opened and then closed once again. Geez, the people here were cranky.

He sighed and stepped down to the training ground softly. Approaching as silently as he could, he sneaked behind her and gripped the fabric close to her neck, raising her up from the ground. The wooden sword fell to the ground.

She gaped. "Y-Y-YOU. Put me down!" Like a cat lifted off the ground, the girl with dark green hair glared daggers at him. With her small legs, she tried her best to kick him, aiming to no avail. "You're just as bad as Naoya! I knew it!"

"Tch, that was uncalled for." He pouted and continued, "His personality is clearly in a league of its own. In fact, he desperately needs a new personality."

Walking to the engawa once again, he gently put down the struggling child on the wooden flooring before she could start screaming his ear off. Crossing her arms, she turned her head away from him. "Aren't you his friend or something? Shouldn't you defend him?"



Wiping the tears off his face, [Y/n] gave out one last laugh before saying, "There's no way I would do that." He asked, "What did he do to you anyway? Something annoying, I'm sure."

The girl's glare lessened, and she finally began to tell her story, the short version, at least. [Y/n] stayed silent as he listened to the whole thing, face morphing to a neutral expression. Mistreated and abused in her own clan, and still her motivation did not lie in tatters.

"Hmm, I can't exactly help you by beating up every Zenin Clan member yet. But hey, I can at least beat Naoya up for what he did to you with no consequences," he gave her a reassuring smile. At that, Maki finally locked her eyes with him. "Teach me how."

"How to beat Naoya up?" She nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, sure. Why not? I know all his weak spots with how much I trained with him. It's gonna be easy for you to beat him up with my training." Finally, the strained expression on Maki's face changed as she perked up at his words. She smiled, no, grinned at him. "You better not be lying. I want that training as soon as possible."

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