14. | lost in paradise.

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— 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 taken from:    ali, aklo


The mission given to them involved protecting the Star Plasma Vessel, a young girl going by the name of Amanai Riko. She was only fourteen, a year younger than him, and already destined to merge with Tengen for the good of all. It was a tragic thing, of course.

At that age, Amanai Riko should still be enjoying her childhood, hanging out with her friends, and spending time with her loved ones. But, things were not fated that way for an important vessel like her.

The merge with Tengen, as Yaga had put it, would erase her being. And so, that brought up the important question. "What if the Star Plasma Vessel refuses to merge?"

He blinked, eyes boring into Gojo who had nonchalantly asked the question on their journey to protect the vessel.

Refusing the merge? Out of the question, he thought. Too many dire circumstances would happen in a scenario like that. One young girl's life was not worth more than thousands of others.


"Then...just don't merge."

Hearing Gojo's statement, Suguru chuckled, asking a question of his own back to their merry little group of sorcerers. "Is that okay? That would mean we have to fight against Tengen-sama."

"Are you scared~?" Gojo mocked.

It seemed that his two seniors had a different idea already. An idea that was much different than his own, it would appear. "You should be scared," he said, catching the two strong sorcerers off guard.

Gojo raised an eyebrow as genuine confusion flashed on his face. "And why is that exactly...? I mean, it would probably be a hard fight, but it's nothing the three of us can handle."

Then, Gojo threw an arm around his shoulders, bringing him into a half embrace. "Don't worry about it, [Y/n], there's gonna be a way. Just trust us."

He was not convinced one bit, and he sort of hoped the sentiment was conveyed through his expression. Judging by Suguru's laughter coming from his left, his favorite upperclassman certainly did.

"As much as I don't want to say it, Satoru has a point, [Y/n]. It should be no problem for us, after all, the three of us are strong, are we not? That power should exist to protect those weaker than us," Suguru pointedly said, a charming smile on his face.

Gojo immediately added in, "Urgh, you're being all righteous again, Suguru."

He stayed silent at those words. He was strong, yes, that was true. But there was an order as to how things go, and without such a thing, the world would have long been plunged into chaos.

Tengen was that very order. Making sure Tengen stayed as Tengen was the most important of the mission. Their true mission, he reminded himself.

They could not let this mission fail in any way, and that included bringing the girl safely for the merging, whether she liked it or not.

How exactly was he going to convince these two of that very fact?

A beat passed. He sighed loudly, looking down, away from both their gazes.

And then he—

He nodded, and feigned acceptance, "Whatever. I'll follow both of your leads. You guys are the seniors here, after all." The words came to his mouth so genuinely, he doubted the two suspected the truth of his thoughts.

"So true! Leave everything to your powerful senpais, [Y/n]!" Gojo loudly announced into his ear, and he could no longer hold back the urge to roll his eyes, quickly shouldering off Gojo's arm as he did so.

𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 → jjk x m! readerWhere stories live. Discover now