「Author's Update and explanation」

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TW: mentioned of cutting

Hello guys, I'm sure you are wondering where the updates have been and wanting a clean explanation. Not an explanation that's short or not informative.

To summarize it all; My mental health hasn't been the greatest at all these past weeks but it was improving, been clean for the past weeks before I, unfortunately relapsed. Another scar.

I know this is probably not what you expected but unfortunately it is. Additionally, when I said about problems going on in life in my last chapter it was mostly because of school and mental health like I just said.

I am slowly doing better but not in the greatest mindset to write, well, mostly but I'll elaborate on that.

You probably all saw the new book I posted and I want to confirm some things about it. Along with the future for this book.

1. "The Future Of The This Book" This book will not be discontinued nor ending. I have many ideas for the plot and I want to write them, implement them into this story but I just can't at the moment. Furthermore this book will be hiatus indefinitely. I understand you guys asking why won't I update this book? Well, the simple answer is; I need to recuperate. I love this book very much and I treasure it deeply but I need a break.

2. "About The New book" Recently I just got back into Attack on Titan and thought, why not make another crossover? I wont say much on it since I don't want to spoil, currently the info page is up so it'll fill you in but the description will help as well. I will be, hopefully start posting chapters on this book.

3. ""Not In The Right Mindset to write" Part of this is true. Yes, my mindset isn't in writing currently mostly due to mental health and school however, that doesn't mean I won't try. Since it's nearing winter break I hope I can recuperate and start off fresh with more ideas.

4. "About doing a QnA" I want to do a QnA so you guys, the readers, can get to know me and learn a bit about me. I've seen other authors do it so I thought, why not? I never done one before so this will be the first . For the rules for in the Question section; can ask anything about this book, the other book even book requests if you like, about the characters, ect, ect.

Anyways, hope you guys understand all of this and I promise I'll try and start writing more. As a heads up, the other book will have slow updates and you guys can comment on what you'd like to see in this book for the future as well as the other.

Have a Nice Night/Day/Afternoon/Evening.

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