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Jack and the Devils just got back from a road trip, winning three games and losing two. All that Jack's looking forward to is getting back to his apartment and cuddling Carla, never letting her go. 

The two of them have been dating for around five years now. Jack told her that she didn't need to up and move her entire life to New Jersey with him, but she insisted. They bought a small apartment about a five minute drive from the arena. When Luke came down, they immediately brought him into their little apartment.

Now, Jack and Luke are in their car. Luke's driving because Jack's too excited to be with Carla once more after a long week of games. His younger brother must've noticed because he rolled his eyes and stopped at a red light.

"Will you calm it?" Luke groaned at his brother. The Hughes was tired and his antsy brother wasn't helping him at all.

"Sorry." Jack mumbled out and sat still. Luke glanced at his brother and hid a small grin that was growing on his face.

Once the two of them pulled into the parking area of their apartment complex, Jack jumped out of the car, grabbed his duffel bag and ran inside. He skipped some of the stairs in the stair way and whipped out his keys. Unlocking the door, he burst inside and threw his bag and shoes to the side.

"Jack!" Carla squealed, jumping into her boyfriend's open arms. Jack smiled and held her close to him.

Luke calmy walked into the apartment, unlike his brother who had ran in just moments before. He walked by the two, messing up Carla's hair like usual, and walked to his bedroom to sleep. After a few moments the young couple retreated to their bedroom as well.

Jack took a quick shower, upon Carla's request, and changed into sweats at record speed. Once finished he ran into their room and flopped down beside his girlfriend. He laid his head down gently on her chest and cuddled closely into her, obviously tired from the long flight back.

"Tired, love?" Carla asked with a giggle. All Jack could do was nod. "Sleep. I'll still be here in the morning." She whispered, playing with his hair and gently kissing his head. The boy smiled softly and cuddled as close to his girlfriend as he possibly could. 

Jack has always had major separation anxiety on road trips. Ever since they started dating, hockey trips have been very difficult for him. He's always worried that something will happen to her while he's gone, or that he won't be able to protect her. But then and there, being held in her arms on a cool December night in New Jersey, knowing that nothing could happen to her, and that they're both together once again.


WC: 467

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