Christmas In Chicago

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This year, Connor and Mia both weren't able to fly back to Vancouver for the holiday season. So they resorted to a zoom call with them on Christmas Eve since both the families were busy for the actual holiday. The young couple woke up at around 8:30 am on Christmas.

"Con! Wake up! It's Christmas!" Mia yelled excitedly, shaking her boyfriend awake.

"Go back to sleep, baby. It's early." The boy groaned. She rolled her eyes and shook him again. Rather than getting up, he wrapped his arms tightly around her. "Go to sleep." He mumbled out again.

Refusing to give in, she pushed his arms away and stood up. She made her way into the kitchen. Five minutes later, a tired Connor Bedard walked down the hallway, rubbing his eyes and sitting on the counter.

"Why so early?" He asked his girlfriend, who was making them both coffee.

"Con, it's Christmas!" She said like it's obvious. A sigh escaped his lips but he opened his eyes and stared down at her. All she did was shrug.

A mere twenty minutes later, the couple sat in the small living room of their apartment in front of their artificial tree. Gifts sat underneath it with the two's names across all of them. Connor handed Mia a small box with her name printed on the tag in neat handwriting, as well as saying it's from Connor.

She unwrapped the box and gasped at the gift inside. The box contained a beautiful bracelet with her initials written in the center of the gold metal in cursive. Her gaze traveled up to her boyfriend's cocky smirk.

"Con.." That's all she was ab;le to get out as her gaze went back down to the beautiful piece of jewelry in her hands. Connor sat up on the couch next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Can I assume you like it?" He asked his girlfriend after a moment. She nodded.

"Of course I like it, you sweet dumbass!" Mia exclaimed.

The two exchanged gifts for each other over the next two hours of time. Lots of laughs, smiles, and tears were released as the opening of gifts continued on. After opening all the gifts under their small tree, the couple decided to go skating at the outdoor rink.

Only problem was that it was closed.

So instead they resorted to go to the United Center early before the public skate with the Blackhawks that the team is hosting and skate around the rink on their own. When they arrived, they ran in and asked security to open the locker room doors.

"Hurry up, Mia!" Connor taunted her while she was still tying her skates.

"Shut up." She grumbled, fumbling once again with the skate laces. He laughed and knelt in front of her, tying her skate.

Being too proud for herself, she stood up and walked onto the freshly flooded ice. His laughs echoed throughout the empty arena as he, too, walked out onto the ice. The boy skated up to her and grabbed her hand.

They skated around the ice, talking and joking around for the hour before they spotted the team walking out. Mia turned to Connor and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll talk to you after the game, yeah?" She asked him. He shook his head, to which she raised an eyebrow to.

"You're staying, aren't you?" The boy questioned. He has a slight bit of separation anxiety and when he spends too much time with Mia before a team event, practice, game, or anything, he doesn't want her to leave.

"Babe, this is a team event. I play in the WCHL. Not the NHL with the Blackhawks." She emphasized. He sighed and nodded.

"Fine. You're staying at the arena though, right?" Connor asked her.

Mia laughed. "Of course I am. If you need anything, text me." With that she skated off the ice with a smile on her face.

The whole team 'oohed' as she walked back to their locker room. The 18-year-old rolled his eyes at his teammates as they shook his shoulders and patted his back as they skated by.

"Bedsy's going soft, eh?" Hall taunted Connor. All he did in return was tackle the older man to the ice. "Chill! Don't kill me! I'm 32 years old, dammit!" Hall swore. The team laughed and got prepared as kids started piling onto the ice and skating up to their favourite player.

One good Christmas Connor thought with a smile at his teammates who didn't go home for Christmas, just to spend time with these kids who probably couldn't be any happier than to spend a portion of Christmas with their idols.

That lead the young man to decided that maybe, just maybe, staying in Chicago for Christmas wasn't a bad idea.


I hate how I ended this.

WC: 818

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