Stadium Series

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"Come in, Lacey." Luke groaned as he watched his girlfriend fix her hair under her toque.

Today is the day of the Stadium Series in New Jersey. The Devils are playing the Flyers, so it should be an easy win for them, but who knows. Luke wanted to leave early, Jack having already left, but Lacey needed to get ready for the cold weather outside. Since she's the assistant GM, she'll be on the bench. She had on her varsity jacket that all the coaches were given, her toque, black cargo pants and black converse.

"Calm it." She said, rolling her eyes. Luke walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Of course, Lacey couldn't stay mad at him. After grabbing everything she needed, she turned and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before dragging him down to his car. The guys needed to get to the arena to get into their outfits, Sopranos swag, before heading to the stadium in the bus. Once Luke pulled into the player parking, the couple jumped out and went into the arena.

Lacey ran in, seeking warmth, while Luke laughed behind her. She spotted Jack immediately and jumped on his back. The man stumbled at first but caught the slightly younger girl. He chuckled once he realized who it was.

"Shut up. I'm cold." Lacey grumbled. Luke walked in and easily picked her up off his brother's back, placing her on the ground. "I have the power to take you off your brother's line you know?" He rose his hands in a way to feign innocent before going to change. 

The girl muttered how she was gonna smack him in the face when he came back out while she walked onto the bus. She took her seat at the front where the coaches sat and pulled out her phone. After a bit, the team began loading onto the bus whilst chatting amongst each other. Luke kissed Lacey's head as he walked by. Lacey was half asleep at that point so she didn't notice him and he knew that, but he wanted to do it anyway.

A ten minute drive and one karaoke session later, which woke Lacey up completely, the Devils were at the stadium. Luke pulled Lacey up with him and hugged her tight before they walked off the bus. She stayed back while he walked through with his team to show off their walk in fits. The coaches all walked behind the players and into the stadium.

The boys got into their warm up clothing, aka sweat suits because it's cold, to play a quick game of sewer before warm ups. Lacey grabbed the line up sheets to go over any changes with Lindy before the game started. A presence behind her made her turn her head just to see Luke staring at her.

"Focus, Hughesy." Lacey joked. Luke laughed and rolled his eyes.

After they finished sewer, they got into their gear. Once ready, before putting on their toques for warm up, all of them smudged on eye black under their eyes to keep the blaring sun out of their line of vision. Everyone walked out and began warming up while the stands slowly filled. Lacey was tasked to follow them out to make sure they're actually doing what they should be.

She sat on the bench by the boards with the physical therapist, Katie, in case any of them somehow injured themselves. With their luck someone probably would. But, warm up went smoothly and both teams began the walk back to their locker rooms. Lacey walked next to Luke, of course, and they joked around a bit. His nerves were skyrocketed, so she was trying her best to ease them.

"Let's start with the head coach." P.K. Subban began after walking in. "He's buff, he's tough, he's Lindy Ruff." Clapping. "He's pretty and he lives in Jersey city, number thirteen Nico Hishowza." Clapping. "He may be Swedish but damn he can finish. Jesper Bratt, titter tat, where's my boy at?" Clapping. "He's long, strong and down to get his defense on, it's Lucas Hughes." Clapping. "He ain't Dan Marino but he likes to sip on Pellegrino, John Marino, baby." Clapping. "He's got two cups and that's a lot, Ondrej Palat." Clapping. "He breaks laws and maybe jaws, kick 'em in the neck, Nico Daws! Let's go baby." Clapping and cheering. "Let's go boys, have a good one, enjoy the moment, I love you guys, have fun!" Everyone clapped and cheered for the icon himself, P.K. Subban.

The boys all cheered and threw on their helmets before lining up. The Flyers were called first as their the visiting team. All the coaches had already walked out to the benches. Finally, the Devils were called out and the stands were filled with yelling, whistling and noise makers. Once the anthems were done, the puck was dropped and the game began. 


The boys had done it. They won the Stadium Series 6-3 against the Flyers. Everyone was hyped as they got back to their locker room. Music played loudly throughout the speaker Lacey brought with her. All the boys passed around her phone to play different songs. The girl was sat next to Luke, her head on his shoulder as she laughed at her team.

"Tired?" Luke joked. Lacey glared at him with a hint of jokiness in her eyes.

Everyone loaded onto the bus to get their cars and head on home. When they got to the arena, Jack told Luke that he was going to Carla's for the night but that he'd be back in the morning as she had to go to work early for a meeting. He nodded and looked over to where his girlfriend was already asleep in the passenger seat of his car. 

"See you in the morning." Luke nodded towards his brother as he walked backwards to his car.

"See ya." Jack responded, running to his car as he was eager to go see his girlfriend.

Luke jumped into his car and drove to he, Jack and Lacey's apartment. Jack's planning on moving to Carla's soon, which was obviously sad for Luke but he knew it was a good idea. The hockey player got out after parking in the underground parkade and grabbed Lacey from the passenger seat, careful not to wake her. After placing her on the bed and changing her into sweats so she'd be more comfortable, he grabbed his things and went to shower.

He walked back into the room after showering and got into the warm bed. As if she could sense him, Lacey curled over into Luke's chest. The boy smiled and hugged her close, closing his eyes and letting the satisfactory of the win lull him into a dreamless sleep with the woman he loves.


P.K. reading the line up is my Roman Empire.

Score is made up because I didn't wanna wait three minutes to find out the actual final. Too much effort smh.


WC: 1166

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