Young Stud

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"Shit." Carla hissed as Jack took yet another hard hit. Like all the other times tonight, he stood back up, swore to himself and skated back to the play.

Tonight the Devils are playing the Rangers. We all know how rough that can get, saying they're rivals. However, they seem to be targeting only Jack and occasionally maybe Nico.

"They're really out to get him, huh?" One of the WAGs near Carla commented. She sighed and nodded.

"I don't even know why! He's not out to get them or anything." She mumbled as the whistle blew at an offside.

Jack skated off the ice and sat beside his captain, Andy Greene, hitting his stick against the boards. Andy glanced up at his agitated rookie teammate but decided against saying anything as Nasreddine told his line to head out.

Post game

The Devils won 4-3 in OT, Jack getting the game winner. Thank God they won Carla thought. A door opened and closed loudly, bringing her attention up to the locker room door.

"Hey-" She was cut off by Jack's arms wrapping tightly around her. "I know it was rough, babe. I'm sorry." Her voice came out in a soft tone.

The only response she got was his arms squeezing slightly tighter. Once Nico walked out they all piled into the car they brought and drove to the apartment.

Jack went to shower as soon as they got back, but Nico sat down beside Carla. The two looked at each other before Nico let out a sigh.

"I feel so bad for him, Carla." He mumbled. "The kid's 18 years old!"

"He said the other night to me that he's thinking of quitting." Carla said to her brother next to her. His head shot up and over to his sister.

"Really?" He exclaimed. She nodded and sighed loudly. "Heilige Scheiße." He mumbled in German. He's Swiss and idk what he speaks, but I saw that 60% of the population speaks German.

"Language." Carla muttered half heartedly. The bathroom door opened and Jack was revealed around the corner.

Nico gave his little sister a look before standing up and walking to the bathroom. Jack walked into the living room and sat beside his girlfriend, laying his head on her shoulder.

"Maybe I should quit." He mumbled. She sighed and shook her head.

"Do you want me to go over this again?" Carla asked. Jack went to protest but she continued before he could get a word in. "You're an amazing hockey player, Jack. Hell you went first overall! These people are giving you hell because they're trying to slow you down. But you're not going to let them. The season's almost over and soon some new stud will come along first overall next season and they'll be the league's fresh bait." She ranted to him. A smile made way onto his face. "Who knows? Maybe you'll still be the stud and not be targeted. Maybe you'll be up there with people like Gretzky and Crosby, or even the younger studs like McDavid and Matthews would be awesome!" The girl rambled on for another few minutes before Jack kissed her to shut her up. "Rude." She scoffed.

"You're absolutely adorable, you know?" He asked her. She shrugged. "But thank you. I think I really needed that."

Little did the young couple know, a certain Nico Hischier was hidden behind the wall and listening to the interaction with a massive smile.


"Jack passes to Luke, Luke goes for the shot, he fakes it and passes it to Jack, he shoots AND IT'S IN!"

Carla cheered with the crowed as the goal song played. Jack had scored another goal tonight against the Rangers, giving him a hat trick. Nico looked into the stands and made eye contact with his sister.

He had told her that he heard what she had told her boyfriend after he went to bed that night. The boy predicted that what she said would eventually be true.

Little do they know that new studs would be drafted every year and eventually teams stopped focusing on taking down Jack, but rather taking down the newer, younger competition. Now he's been loving the game he plays, while still being a stud in the league.

Post game

The Devils won the game, Jack getting a hat trick and his younger brother, Luke, got a goal, keeping his goal streak alive. Luke was going to Lacey's tonight so they didn't need to wait for him after the game.

The door to the locker room opened and a fairly happy Jack Hughes came prancing out. He walked over to Carla and hugged her tight.

"You did so well!" She cheered. "Remember when i told you that eventually they'd find fresh meat?" The boy rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Of course I do." He replied. "It lives in my head while I play." A smile grew on his girlfriend's face.

The two walked to his car and drove to their apartment. Once they arrived, Jack told Carla he was gonna shower quickly and then they could watch a movie. She nodded and sat on the couch, scrolling through Netflix to find something. Her phone buzzing brought her attention away from the hundreds of movies.

Nico & Carla

I'm always right you know

In what way?

I told you that it would happen in a few years
And guess what happened?

She did answer him after that. Jack came down the hallway and sat next to her. They threw on some random movie and sat next to one another. Carla turned to him at some random moment and faced him. Jack looked down at her with a weird look.

"Yes?" He asked, pausing the movie.

"You're still a stud in the game, you know? Even if you aren't getting tormented anymore." She told him. A grin grew on his face.

"Of course I do! Look at my stats." The girl rolled her eyes and fell back into his body, which rumbled with laughter.

"At least you don't have an ego." She muttered under her breath. His laugh echoed throughout the apartment as he held his smiling girlfriend closer.


WC: 1037

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