Broken Jaw

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"Fucking hell." Mia cursed as she watched Connor get checked and skate back to the bench in evident pain.

Unfortunately, since Connor kind of ran into the player, the guy didn't get a penalty. A security guard asked Mia to follow him down to the locker room. Once they got down she ran into the room and saw her boyfriend in an immense amount of pain seated in his stall.

"Oh, Con." She rushed over to him and knelt in front of him. "This is why they tell you to keep your head up." He shook his head with a smile at her joke. 

"Oh shut up." He told her. She sat by his skated and leaned on his padded legs.

The two watched the rest of the period before sending Connor to a hospital to get his jaw checked. Doc said it was most likely broken or fractured, but he couldn't be sure. Mia rode with Con on the way there.

"Broken." He told her sadly once the doctor left and she walked in. "He said I'd be out 6-8 weeks so I'll probably miss the all stars."

"I'm sorry, Con. I know how much you wanted to make history." She told him, brushing a loose strand of hair out of his face.

"At least I'm still the youngest to ever get drafted?" He said in an almost questioning tone.

The two drove to the hotel where the team is in New Jersey. Some of the guys patted him on the back when he walked into the lobby where they were sitting, waiting for Connor and Mia to get back.

They all knew how rough he was taking not being able to play and contribute to the team. He loves the sport and would do anything to get back. The couple went up to their room and slept the night away hoping to ease him away hopefully from all the pain he'll be enduring in the next month.


I don't know what this is haha

WC: 328

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