Fuck You!

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You see, if you read my other imagines book, I put Mia and Connor through a LOT. So why stop there and not carry it on here?

"I can't believe you." Connor sobbed, pacing the floor of his apartment.

"It meant nothing, Con, I swear-" Mia went to touch his arm but he pulled away, looking at her in disgust.

"Nothing? This has been going on for three months and you wanna try and tell me it's nothing?" He yelled.

"I swear to it." She cried.

"Tell me the truth, Mia! I can't fucking keep with the lying anymore!" He begged.

"You wanna know the fucking truth?" He nodded. "You've been away for hockey and I got lonely. I'm a girl! I have needs! He fulfilled them perfectly." He shook his head.

"Fuck you! Get out of my apartment!" He shouted. The girl simply shrugged and walked out, wiping the fake tears.

Once she left, Connor fell onto the couch, crying. Of course she'd cheat. Why wouldn't she? He's never here or always busy. It was bound to happen.

He pushed those thoughts out of his mind and decided to go for a walk to clear his mind. There was this really cool place he knew nearby that had their most beautiful sunsets/sunrises depending on what time of day it is.

The walk was about twenty minutes but totally worth the beautiful ray of colours above him. He sat down on the top of the hill, smiling peacefully before deciding to post on his private account that not even Mia knew about.

 He sat down on the top of the hill, smiling peacefully before deciding to post on his private account that not even Mia knew about

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Caption: mood when you find out your girlfriend's been cheating on you for months
Liked by adamfantillifan, moosey, and 17 others

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Connor's phone was blowing up with messages from his friends asking what happened or what's going on. Rather than replying, he put his phone on silent and laid back in the grass, closing his eyes. He realized how little he's done this since moving to Chicago.

It's simply relaxing, mind-easing. After finding out Mia was cheating on him and basically telling her to go fuck herself, this is what he needed. Time away from social media, his friends..just him and mother nature.


I will never stop putting this poor boy through living shit

WC: 395

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