Valentine's Day

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Madison's outfit ↑

"Madison, come on!" Jamie whined as he watched his girlfriend pull on her light pink dress and strap her matching pink chunk heels to her feet. Her eyes rolled.

"Jamie Drysdale, if you don't stop rushing me, there will be no Valentine's Day." Madison threatened. That immediately shut him up which allowed the woman to finish getting ready.

Today is Valentine's Day, obviously, and Jamie had planned a wonderful night for them. But that will be revealed as the night continues on. Madison tried to pry it out of him, but he wouldn't budge. Once she had finally pulled on her jacket and finished her final touches, they were out the door. 

"Oh my God!" Maddie gasped out of excitement. They had just arrived to their first location of the night: Morton's The Steakhouse. This was the location of their first date.

"M'lady?" Jamie held an arm out for his beautiful girlfriend after opening her car door. 

The woman smiled and took his arm as the walked into the steakhouse to catch their reservation. Once they were sat, the ordered their food and drinks and waited for them to arrive while engaging in light conversation.

"Gosh, I can't believe they have this here in Philadelphia! And so close to our apartment!" The girl fangirled, looking around the interior of the familiar steakhouse.

Jamie smiled and reached his hand across the table to grab Madison's. "I thought this would be a special way to start the evening." They both smiled but separated once their food was sat in front of them.

After eating

Once the couple finished their food as well as reliving memories from their first date, some which shall not be mentioned to save their embarrassment, and they were on their way to the second location. It was a bit of a hike before Jamie had finally pulled into a parking lot. The park that was located in front of them was Fairmount Park. Some may be confused, but this was the first place they went after arriving in Philadelphia just a few weeks prior.

"It's beautiful here." Madison smiled as she leaned into Jamie as they walked around the spectacular park.

"Not as beautiful as you." Jamie cheekily replied, earning himself on light slap on the shoulder and a laugh.

The two strolled around the park for at least two hours. It was near empty as most couples were out for dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day. Once they got back to the car, Jamie informed Madison that they had one stop left. Madison was confused as she tried to figure out what other major firsts they would've had that would be included in their Valentine's Day celebration.

She was even more confused when they pulled up to Wells Fargo Center.

"Jamie? What are we doing here?" Madison asked. She was skeptical when her boyfriend pulled out a handkerchief and told her to place it over her eyes.

"Just for a minute. Promise." Jamie grabbed her hand and guided her out of the car and into the cold building.

Madison shivered slightly as they walked out onto the bench. Why am I out here? She thought to herself. 

"I'll be back, okay? Ersson is here though so don't worry, you won't die." Jamie laughed to himself before stepping back to the locker room.

After a moment, Ersson led her out to the center ice mark. She took a moment to balance herself in her heels before she tore off the blindfold and saw fake candles, obviously fake, set up around her as well as a few rose petals spelling something out.

Will you marry me?

"Ahem." Madison turned around and her hands flew to her mouth when she saw her boyfriend down on one knee in front of her. "Madison Garner. Hell, where do I begin. We've been dating for five years, best friends even longer. You have been there for me throughout everything. Every big milestone in my career, you were there. Even when we were only friends. When I broke up with my first girlfriend, I would be lying if I said I regretted it one bit. I knew that she would never be what I wanted. Because what I wanted was right there in front of me the whole time. That night, you held me as I cried into your arms and that's when I knew that I would want to at least be your friend for the rest of my life. When you held me in your arms as I cried after being traded to Philly, away from Trev and Mason, I knew that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. You are the one consistent in my life. Other than my mom, of course, you're my favourite woman ever." Madison laughed through her tears. "I love you so, so much. Even when we were going through the spell where we thought we wouldn't make it, I knew I'd keep fighting for you, because I love you. So, Madison Aveline Garner, will you make me the happiest man in the city of Philadelphia and marry me?"

"Yes!" Madison yelled throughout her tears. "Of course I'll marry you, Jamie!" Jamie smiled brightly, putting the beautiful diamond ring on his now fiancée's finger before standing up and pulling her into a bear hug. "I love you, Jamie Drysdale."

"And I love you, Madison Garner."  


Happy Valentine's Day blah blah whatever.

I hate Valentine's Day. Stupid holiday. Like, I get that I'm single, no need to remind me 

Anyway, finally started Jamie!

WC: 912

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