First Goal

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Alexis was beginning to get frustrated. She's played almost 75 games alongside her brothers, Jack and Luke, this year with the Devils yet she hasn't scored yet. The internet is beginning to think she's a waste of space on their roster and it's starting to get to her head.

"Come on, Alex." Jack sighed. "You're not a bust or a waste of space." He said once again that evening, shaking her shoulders.

They're currently in Buffalo and about to leave for the game, but Alexis is starting to rethink everything. If she doesn't score within their next two games and reaches 75 without a goal, she's done.

"I went sixth overall, Jack. I should at least have a goal by now! They're all right. I'm a waste of space on the roster. You guys should be getting someone that actually scores goals." Alexis rambled, pacing the room again.

Luke walked in and frowned at the state of his sister. "You know better than this, Alex." He said softly, walking up to her and pushing his frustrated brother out of the room. "The people in the comments are a bunch of people who are jealous you're in the show and they're not." His tone was full of sincerity as he grabbed her arm lightly to stop her pacing. "So go out there and show them who you are. Because you're Alexis motherfucking Hughes! And you won't let a few jealous people prevent you from playing in the NHL, will you?" Luke went on.

Alexis smiled. "No, no I won't." Luke cheered and they raced each other down the hallway to the bus.

Jack grinned when he saw his two younger siblings running towards the bus together. Considering they were both in suits, he was a bit impressed at how they did that but didn't ask questions.

The two 20 year olds got on the bus and sat beside each other across from Jack. They talked with one another before they got to the arena and got off the bus. Their media person filmed them as they got off to no doubt post later on.

Alexis was in her shorts and Devils workout shirt as the team played sewer ball. Her hair was tied back in a high ponytail as she ran after the ball so it wouldn't land on the ground. Luke kept pulling her hair to try and get her to drop it but she simply smacked him and pulled his hair 10x harder.

After their coach came out to tell them it was ten to warm ups, Alexis raced Luke again to the locker room. They pushed each other and tripped each other to distract and beat the other. In the end, Alexis won and rushed to her stall to change.

Tonight, she had a good feeling. She had a feeling that maybe she would do something to prove she deserved to be in the league. Maybe. Just maybe.

Second period

Alexis was out with her two brothers and she got the puck. Without a second thought, she burst down the ice on a breakaway and shot it. She tripped on her skates, but immediately looked up when she heard the buzzer. The goal buzzer. Luke and Jack sprinted over and jumped on top of her.

"HELL YEAH!" Luke yelled as he toppled his twin over onto the ice in a hug. Alexis was shocked.

"Did I just-"

"Fuck yeah you did!" Jack replied, cutting her off and joining the Hughes pile.

All the Devils fans were cheering loudly and banging on the class near them as they got up and skated by the bench. Alex high fived her team with a massive grin before going off for a line switch.

She sat down beside Nico and he immediately pulled her into a side hug. Nico was like another older brother to Alexis. When she first got to New Jersey, he mentored her. Jack helped out Luke and asked Nico to help Alexis too as he didn't know if he could help them both.

"Atta girl, Hughes Jr." Nico grinned, shaking her slightly before she got the iPad to look over her goal.

"Shut up." Alexis laughed at the nickname, pushing him slightly.

Post game, Luke and Alex's hotel

The team lost the game against Buffalo 5-3, letting in not one, but two empty netters. Alexis wasn't happy with the ending, but she was still stoked to finally score.

She laid on her bed in her sweats and scrolled through her phone. When the bed dipped, she looked up and saw Luke. Alexis smiled and curled into his side.

This was something they'd always do as kids after one of their games. If it was a loss, they'd curl up together on the couch or one of their beds and just watch TV.

Alex gave Luke the remote and threw her phone onto the nightstand. He chose a random show that looked good and set the remote down, holding his little sister tightly. That was his way of showing her how proud he was. His little sister got her first goal.


I wrote this so weirdly I hate it. Also, it's 1:30am (MST) and I'm leaving in 7 hours-

WC: 874

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