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Trevor has just been cleared for practice one again. The only bad part is that he now thinks that he's ready to get back into the game. Amelia has been trying to tell him that he just got cleared for practice and nothing else, but he won't have it.

"I need to get back in the game, Amelia!" Trevor frustratingly yelled. 

"Give it fucking time, Zegras." She spoke with a low tone. He stopped and turned to her when he heard his last name.

"I'm sorry." He sighed. "It's just that I don't know how much longer I can sit around and wait for coach to put me in." The boy looked down at his hands. "You saw us last night! We got fucking demolished by the Rangers!" 

He rambled on until Amelia walked up and wrapped her arms tightly around him. His body deflated and he hugged her as tight as he could. The girl felt tears on her shoulder but she didn't mind one bit.

"I just wanna go back." He muttered sadly into her shoulder. 

"I know, baby, but you need to be patient." She told him. "Healing takes time. Especially from injuries like you get in hockey. You go back in too early, you may not be able to play again if you get checked the wrong way." The boy listened intently to his fiancée while she explained.

Trevor backed away from Amelia five minutes later and sighed in defeat. A smirk grew on her face as he finally accepted defeat. His face contorted into a defeated look as he knew what was coming up next. 

"You finally admitted you're wrong!" She exclaimed. He groaned as she did a little victory dance all around the living room. 

She did that until Trevor had enough and grabbed her. He carried her all the way to the couch while she squealed loudly.

"You're injured, Trevor Zegras!" She yelled. All he did was shrug and throw her on the couch, hopping over and cuddling into her.

That was how the two spent the rest of the night. Cuddled up on the couch with the Devils game on in the background, enjoying each other's presence until the hockey player is called back to the game.


WC: 370

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