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That's it

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That's it. I had enough. For the past three hours, I had laid on my bed, eyes wide open desperate for sleep. But the sweet oblivion was being kept away by a god-awful beat being played on the other side of the wall.

If I had happened to have an early class the next morning, I could have informed the security by now. But since I was a recent graduate, young and carefree, I tried to look the other way when my new neighbor hosted parties at his house.

Calling the gathering a party did not do it justice as he mostly played highly irritating music at a volume apt for theatres and stadiums. Or, maybe I felt so as I was pretty sure that his music system was just on the other side of our shared wall of my room.

Music was preferable over some other disturbances.

Some nights, my sleep was interrupted by periodic thumping that made me give a disgusted sneer at the wall in the dark and flip my position. I could tell my parents about the next-door neighbor's shenanigans, but I was afraid that they would call the police on the poor fellow.

However tonight, my limit was reached, crossed, and left behind in dust.

This was his fifth consecutive party of the week, and his normal average was three. He had moved in a little over a month ago and had been enjoying the hell out of his twenties since then. Sometimes, I felt as if he was running out of time and trying to make up for it. Whatever. I was running out of patience myself.

As I felt a headache build behind my eyes, I could take it no longer. I tiptoed out into the hall and quietly tried to open the main door. My parents slept on the other side of the apartment so they remained undisturbed each night.

My attempts to knock and ring the bell yielded no answer. They must have gone deaf already.

I banged on the door as hard as I could with my fist. When that yielded no result, I tried to push against the door with my full weight. I had no chance against the solid oak door, but I was seeing red. He had to pay for his misdemeanors tonight.

My second attempt was interrupted when the door opened, and a foreigner stood on the other side. He was tall with blonde and ice-blue eyes. I was stunned by his beauty. Could he be any more exotic?

However, I was pretty sure the man in front of me was not the target of my anger. If a foreigner had moved next door, my mother would have surely let me know.

"Come on in. Interesting attire." He opened the door wider. His eyes scanned me head to toe with a slight smirk on his lips.

I looked down at what I was wearing. Pink shorts with white polka dots and a t-shirt that covered more than the dresses the girls here wore. Nothing too scandalizing. And I was not here to socialize. I had only one aim.

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