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The first thought I had after waking was that my bed was bouncing gently, or rather breathing

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The first thought I had after waking was that my bed was bouncing gently, or rather breathing. It had also become warm and smooth overnight somehow. Blinking my eyes open, the events of last night rushed through my mind.

Getting dressed up, a room full of stars, dinner, Rishabh's apology, his dilated pupils as he leaned closer.

And his promise last night of following me to Bangalore. Too overwhelmed to say anything, I had pretended to be asleep. It was hard to hold back the tears behind my closed eyelids.

Even if he would never be able to fulfill it, it meant a lot to me that he bothered to say it. He always had the uncanny ability to say the right thing at the right time.

Content, I went to sleep in his arms. And he never left.

I sprang up from the bed as if someone had set it on fire.

"Good morning to you," he lazed out, stretching his arms above his head

I tucked my palms under my arms, eyeing him warily. A blinding amount of skin was revealed as he sat upright and got onto his feet. His torso remained uncovered while thin shorts hung from his narrow hips.

I immediately averted my eyes, turning beetroot red.

"Really? You had no problem drooling over it throughout the night but you are getting shy when I am standing on the other side of the bed," he ruffled his already messy bed hair.

A quick glance told me that a patch over his right pec was indeed wet. I threw a fresh towel in his general direction before going to stand next to the doorway. Silently letting him know that it was time to go.

"Not even a thank you before you boot me out of your bed? I might actually feel hurt," he said mockingly as he passed by me, close enough for me to feel his warmth. Or it might have been from all the embarrassment rushing through my veins.

With each of his comments, my face felt hotter. I could just imagine the headlines of tomorrow's paper- 'Woman self combusts in Jaipur hotel from near proximity of ex-turned-crush. The poor man also was fried to a crisp.'

Laying my eyes on him to glare at him told me that he was not all hurt and was actually enjoying it immensely as a huge ass grin was stuck to his face.

"You are making me think that I don't matter to you, Mini." Half of that sentence got cut off as I shut the door in his face.

If only that was true.

Despite pressing an ear to the door, after getting ready, to make sure I didn't bump into Rishabh on my way to breakfast, his door opened as soon as I opened mine.

"Good morning," he wished me again, a slight smirk tugging at his lips.

"Good morning," I repeated and even managed to meet his eyes. Yay, me.

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