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Not very good at this. So please bear with me if I ramble on.

At the end of November,  just when I was about to finish Peregrinate, I just got this idea about a new story. That time I wrote only three measly lines. There was hardly any plot or idea about the characters but the desire to write them was strong. I am so glad that I did.

Twenty-five chapters, two months, ten days later I am so glad that these two are not keeping only me entertained.

But this wouldn't have been possible without some truly amazing people. Without them, many of you wouldn't have even known about this story.

Mizinoshi There wouldn't have been half as many readers without your mad editing skills. Thank you so much for helping to get the story to so many readers!!!

Ruhani_Gupta  the first person to recommend the story and leave an oh-so-cute message in the comments. I still read it whenever I feel a bit low and stuck on the story.

Covercrafted_reads  I think I have told you way too many times about how much I loved the art and your review. Nevertheless, I will do it once more 😁😅

These people are talented writers and editors. You all should check out their works and make sure to follow them to get recommendations and updates.

Now a bit of an update on what's next for the story. As I had mentioned in the last chapter, there was going to be a time skip, and also that I didn't know how Karishma's and Rishabh's future life would look like. But now I do. Somewhat. I just need a little bit of time to sketch it out properly and plan out the chapters. And also find out ways to redeem Rishabh not only in Karishma's eyes but for you guys too. Going by the comments, it's gonna be a tough job 😅🙈

SPOILER: They no longer will be in their twenties. So maybe it's time for some mid-life bliss? 😉 (Though not so easily. There is going to be angst, a lot of groveling, sniping, confessions and a new city to explore) I will surely be posting some of Karishma's hilarious comebacks on my Insta page.

I think you guys could also use this break. The reads have been going down with each chapter, so, I guess this will also give you a chance to catch up to the story, understandably so, as it's the exam season. I too have some studies to catch up on, hopefully, this two-week break will be really productive.

If you are reading this part then I guess you have been following the story and if you are enjoying it, may I please request you to recommend it to some friends and family members of yours who might enjoy this story as well. 👉👈🙏

While I work on the next chapters of this story, I would like it very much if you could do a few small things for me. Add the story to reading lists, vote for the chapters that you have missed, follow me and comment on your favorite parts.

Just let me know that when I return after a few weeks I won't be greeted by crickets. 😅

I would really need a good dose of motivation to write a damn good second half of the story, so I would appreciate all the support you can give me. Also, if you would like you can drop any ideas or scenes that you prefer to see as the story progresses and I will do my best to incorporate them.

So for now goodbye! I will see you all in March! 👋👋👋

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