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That's when he sees her, and his icy blue eyes go wide. Wow, she's so...beautiful.

Stop staring, Damien; you'll look like a creep! He pulls out his phone to distract himself and looks through his messages, seeing one from his father saying he'll be working late. Really, again? We haven't spent any of the time you said we would together. I thought that was the whole reason for the move, dad. The boy sighs and puts his phone back in his jacket pocket, moving his eyes to the nearest window. He watches the few people that hurry past; they're probably heading home before it gets too dark. It is a few minutes before six in the evening, after all. 

He's snapped out of his thoughts when he hears the barista say in a loud voice, "Miku, Shinji, Jacob! Your orders are done!" 

Those names sound kind of familiar...


Who's that? I feel like I've seen him in the halls at school. "Hey, do any of y'all know who that guy that came in a few minutes ago is? I think he may go to our school." Jacob discreetly points at Damien and looks at everyone at the table. They all glance over to the boy Jake was talking about, tilting their heads to the side. Shinji and Genie both shake their heads no, signifying that they have no idea who it is. 

Miku squints her eyes a little and then widens them, gasping a bit as she does so. "He's the new kid in my art class. He just moved here from...Australia, I think?" she looks back at the other three and smiles. "I've talked to him in class before. He's a great painter and seems like a good guy despite him being absolutely gorgeous. Oh, and all the teachers already love him. Almost every student at school that he passes by in the halls talk about how handsome he is and how they want to date him." Miku gets up and flashes a grin at her friends and brother. "I'm gonna go talk to him, maybe invite him to sit with us."


As Miku heads to the counter to pick up the drinks, Genie looks out the window and can't help but to feel a little anxious. I didn't come here prepared to meet a new person, especially a guy that looks like a literal GOD. Please, don't invite him over. Please please please...

Genie's anxious thoughts are cut short when she hears him speak. Holy cow, that accent is attractive! She looks to where the voice is coming from and quickly looks down at the table. Pretty eyes, too? He's like a walking statue, sculpted to look absolutely perfect in every physical way. 

Miku takes it upon herself to introduce everyone. She points at her twin brother, saying, "This is Shinji, my twin." he gives a little wave and goes back to sipping on his bubble tea. "This is Jacob, but he likes to go by Jake. He's also Shinji's boyfriend." Jake gives a quick smile and ruffles Shinji's hair, earning a giggle and a kiss on the cheek. "This lovely lady is Genevieve, but she tends to go by Genie. Once she sets her mind to doing something, she doesn't stop until she finds it perfect." Genie smiles up at Miku and looks out the window, sipping on her americano. 

The boy waves and sits down across from Genie. "Ello there, I'm Damien! It's nice to finally meet Miku's family and mates in person; she talks about all of you a lot, especially Genie." he smiles at all of them as Genie lifts up her head and stares at Miku, her eyes widening a bit. Her eyes are just as beautiful as the rest of her; I wonder, is her mind beautiful as well? He notices Genie's reaction to his words and focuses his full attention on her, laughing a bit. "Don't worry, it wasn't anything bad, I swear!" he takes a sip of his americano as well and then looks down at the table, his ears starting to turn a light shade of red.

Wait, are his ears turning red? Aww. His laugh is so cute, too! ... Genevieve, stop. Remember what happened last time you got this caught up in a boy? Your heart got broken to pieces. "I don't need my heart broken again" she mumbles as her sparkly eyes dull and tear up a bit. She looks out of the window, thinking that nobody could hear her. 

But he heard it. Loud and clear. He looks at her, tearing up a bit as well then looking away and taking another drink from the coffee cup. Who hurt you, Genie?

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