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...Miku says something that catches her by surprise while holding out a folded-up piece of parchment. "Ms. Lee paired everyone up for a duet project. She wanted me to tell you that your partner is Damien."

Genie's eyes widen a bit at Miku's statement. Damien? My dance partner for the duet project? "Why didn't she tell me herself?" She looks at Miku, who just shrugs her shoulders.

"I dunno. She told Damien about it though. He handed me this to give to you, saying it was his number so that you would be able to contact him easier about the project." Miku places the folded paper into Genie's hand, giggling. "I think you have an admirer, bestie." Seriously, if you saw the way he looks at you when you can't see it, you would understand why I say that.

Genie tilts her head at the girl. "Are you talking about Damien?" Miku nods her head enthusiastically, smiling widely. Genie just stares at her, thinking. Maybe she's right. He does seem to enjoy my presence, at least. Her thoughts are interrupted by Miku waving at her. 

"Hello? Earth to Genevieve. Shinji and Jake are waiting for us, remember? Let's go!" Miku takes Genie's hand into her own and lightly tugs on it. 

Genie laughs a bit before grabbing her backpack. "Okay, okay! Let's get going then." She slings the bag over her shoulder and starts walking hand in hand with Miku out of the room. They both walk down the empty halls of the school heading towards the front gates.


What's taking them so long? "Hey, babe. Do you think we should go check on them?" Shinji looks up at Jacob, a bit of worry in his eyes. "They're usually out by now." Jake looks back at him and ruffles the other boy's hair before planting a kiss on his forehead. 

"Don't worry, babe. They probably just had girl things to talk about." Shin isn't wrong, though; most of the other students in dance class have already left. He looks around and spots Damien sitting on a nearby bench with his phone in hand, frowning. Shortly after, Damien stands up and starts walking away. He slightly tilts his head. What's up with that? 


Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, Damien pulls it out and checks the message he just got. He reads it and sighs, his happy face turning sad within seconds. Father's working late, again. I really hope he doesn't get even more stressed from all this work. I know he told me that I don't need to get a job and to focus on school, but I want to help out. Take part of the load of his shoulders. He sighs again. Standing up and grabbing his duffel bag, he starts his walk to the nearby supermarket to grab the short list that his dad told him that morning.


Damien walks through the doors of the store. He quickly goes down the aisles and grabs all the things he needed to get, heading to the register. The cashier smiles at him as he places everything on the counter. "Find all you needed?" He flashes a quick smile back and nods his head before speaking.

"Yes, I did. Can I ask something, though?" The cashier tilts his head and looks at the boy curiously. "Are you guys looking for more employees? I'd like a part time job after school, if that's possible?" Damien looks at him and smiles. Please say yes, please say yes...

The man smiles more. "Yes, we are. Lucky you; I'm the manager of this place. No need for an interview, I can tell you're an amazing young man already." Damien's smile brightens at the words. "Mr. Park." He puts out his hand and offers it to Damien, who takes it firmly into his own and shakes it. When they let go, Damien speaks.

"Damien Fox. It's a pleasure to meet you formally, sir." Mr. Park nods his head and hands the plastic bag of groceries to Damien. "You can start Monday after school if you'd like. Does 4 P.M. work for you?" Damien quickly nods his head. Mr. Park grins at him and waves him out the door. "See you on Monday, then! Oh, there's no special dress code either. Just wear what you find comfortable." Damien nods his head again and waves goodbye. 

Well, that went well. Damien smiles broadly as he heads home, happy that he now has a way to help out his father. Even if it's only just a little, it's better than nothing. When he gets to the house, he puts the groceries away and sits down to do schoolwork at the table. On a different note, why hasn't Genie messaged yet? He pulls out his phone and checks for any new messages, seeing one pop up soon after.


"Hey, guys! Sorry it took us so long." Miku takes her hand out of Genie's and hops onto Jake's back, making him laugh. "Girl things." Miku steals a quick glance at Genie, who nods her head in agreement. 

Shinji shakes his head at his sister. "Say no more. Don't wanna know." Jacob laughs again and puts his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder, pulling him closer. Shinji's dark brown eyes look up into the chestnut brown ones he's grown to love. He's perfect in every way. His eyes, smile, hair, laugh. Everything. 

Genie smiles at the two boys then looks back at Miku. "We should head home, right?" The others nod their heads in agreement. They start walking to Genie's home and get there half an hour later. Shinji, Miku, and Jake wave goodbye as she walks through the door, making sure to lock it behind her. She fishes the piece of paper out of her pocket and unfolds it, staring at the name and numbers written there before typing them into her phone and sending a message. 

'Hey, Damien. It's Genie. I hope you're doing okay. When did you want to start working on the project?'

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