20 (Part 2)

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He takes his hand... putting his pointer finger under the younger boy's chin, tilting it up to stare into the dark brown eyes that caught his heart... "I love you, Shinji Yamada." The corners of Jacob's mouth lift up into a soft smile... Those eyes hold the universe... no, not THE universe. MY universe.

Damien slowly makes his way up to her front door and rings the doorbell, his hands shaking slightly from nervousness. What if her parents don't like me? What if they don't let her go with me to the dance? What if-

The knock catches everyone's attention. "That must be your prince charming, Genevieve!" A woman's voice, Genie's mother. "We finally get to meet him, I'm so excited!" she says cheerfully, looking over at her husband with a wide smile.

Genie's parents both get up and go to the door, their daughter sitting on the couch with her hands in her lap. What if they don't like him? What if they won't let me go with him to the dance? What if-


"Ello, it's nice to finally meet the both of you." Damien smiles at both of Genie's parents, holding out his hand to shake her father's. They firmly grasp each other's hand and shake them before returning them to their sides, sheepish looks on both of their faces. Mrs. Lovwren lets out a laugh before pulling her husband out of the way.

She envelopes Damien into a hug before speaking. "Don't mind my husband, he's not a big talker." Pulling away from the embrace, she takes a closer look at the boy in front of her before a big grin appears on her face.

"You sure are a cutie." Damien's ears start to turn a bright red as he stares at the ground, mumbling a small thank you. "We should get inside now, it's a bit chilly outside." The woman pulls both Damien and Mr. Lovwren inside, leading them into the living room.


The three of them walk into the room, her parents sitting on the loveseat and Damien sitting on the opposite side of the couch that she's on. He steals a quick glance at her, noticing that they're both wearing a ruby red color. We didn't even plan to match in any way. He looks away and another thought pops into his head. She's so beautiful right now. Red is definitely one of her colors.

Her parents both give him a smile and a nod, gesturing towards their daughter. Letting the boy know that it's okay with them if he sits closer to her. Damien smiles back and gets up to sit nearer, sitting down so close that their thighs touch.

"Hope y'all have an amazing time at the dance and get home safely! We'll give you two some privacy, okay?" Mr. and Mrs. Lovwren get up once the boy moves and walk up the stairs to their room, smiles on their faces.


Genie continues to stare down at her clasped hands. He's so close to me right now. She lets out a shaky breath and closes her eyes, the nervous energy rising higher by the second. Her eyes snap open when she hears his voice. I don't think I'll ever get over how attractive his accent is.

She slowly raises her head to look at him and her mind seems to stop working for a minute, her eyes taking in the image of the boy in front of her. Oh. My. God. He's gorgeous, even more than usual. His dark wavy hair is down, styled in a way to keep it out of his face. His icy blue eyes are twinkling, staring into her light green ones. His lips are curved into a smile as he speaks.

"Ello, my love." Damien gently puts his hand on her cheek, brushing his thumb across her skin. His eyes darken slightly, not leaving hers for even a second. Genie's eyes flutter closed as she leans closer, her lips centimeters away from his. They both jump apart when they hear a knock at the door.

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