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Miku hops off Jake's back and smiles broadly. "Hey, besties! I brought someone with me, I hope y'all don't mind him sitting with us at lunch." She nods at the wavy-haired boy, causing him to come closer to the others and give a small wave.

"Ello, nice to see you all again." Damien smiles a bit and glances at them, his eyes stopping to look into Genie's. "I've been having lunch by myself since day one here and Miku found out. So, she invited me." He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "May I join you?" Please, say yes. I don't want to eat alone; people have started to come up and bother me. Confessing feelings. Giving empty compliments about my appearance that I've heard so many times already that I lost count. As he gets trapped in thoughts his eyes become restless and travel to the floor. 

Welp, no one else is saying anything, so I guess I will. "Of course, you can join us, Damien!" Genie looks over at Jake and Shinji, who quickly nod both their heads in agreement. She sees a grin appear on Damien's face as he looks up at her, his eyes practically sparkling with happiness. Wow, his eyes are literally shining as if there are stars there. She gives him a little smile back and starts walking towards the lunchroom, the other four following closely behind. 


"No way! A kangaroo in the backyard?" Miku says, her eyes wide. Damien laughs at her reaction and shrugs his shoulders as Shinji sits down next to his twin, placing down his lunch tray on the table. 

"Australia has kangaroos everywhere." He laughs again. "It's their homeland, after all." He picks up a raspberry and pops it into his mouth as Jake comes and sits down across from his boyfriend. He takes another berry and eats it, glancing up as he sees Genie walking to the table. God, she's so beautiful. Her eyes and hair. The way she gets so concentrated when she's writing. She's perfect. 

He doesn't notice that he's staring until he sees another girl's foot stick out and trip her, causing her to spill everything on the floor in front of her and fall. A few dozen heads turn to the direction of the sound. When the other students see, most of them look away quickly while a few others snicker. If it wouldn't cause a scene, I swear I would wipe the smirks off those jerks faces.


He gets up and walks over to Genie, giving a glare to the girl who tripped her. Of course, it's one of the cheerleaders. He crouches down and gets the tray off the floor, picking up a few of the things that fell off it as well. "Are you alright?" Damien takes Genie's hand into his own and slowly helps her up as the other girl speaks flirtatiously. 

"I'm fine, handsome. Finer than-" She's cut off by Damien's menacing voice; it's almost like a growl. 

"I wasn't talking to you. Nor asking for your input." The brown eyed girl opens her mouth to speak but he cuts her off again. "I see you do this to Genevieve again, or any other student for that matter, I'll be letting the cheer coach know." The girl's eyes widen, then narrow as she looks away and sighs.


Holy cow, he's madder than hell. Genie looks up at him and sees his ice blue eyes, clouded with anger and annoyance, shooting daggers at none other than Ester Wood. Co-captain of the cheerleading squad.

"Fine, won't happen again." Another voice speaks up, coming from Karol McKay, the captain. Kay plasters on a fake smile and watches as Damien rolls his eyes. As him and Genie walk away, a nasty smirk spreads across her lips. Ester and I have a great day planned for you a week before this school year ends. Just you wait. I'll make sure your new prince sees that pretty little face of yours marred.

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