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She's perfect, and I'll spend the rest of my life showing her just how much she means to me.

"We should probably message one of them, to make sure it's alright to head back inside. Right?" Shinji mumbles out, glancing at Jacob and then looking away. They both sit down on the little two-seater bench in the front yard, Shinji choosing to sit about a foot away from Jake.

"Or should we just wait for Miku to get back?" he lets out a sigh, shakily running his fingers through his hair before dropping his hand back at his side. He leans back and stares up at the darkening sky overhead.

His mind starts to wonder why Miku decided to go to the park on her own, especially on this day. This is the first time she has wanted to be alone while she's grieving A.Z. He steals another quick glance at his boyfriend and looks back up.

Shinji blinks rapidly a few times and closes his eyes, trying to hold back tears. Is it because she feels... hurt, to see me and Jacob together, knowing that she won't be able to be with Azalea? No, it can't be that. We've already talked on that subject, and she's so happy that I'm happy. That I got to meet my person. That Jay and I are together.

Is it because her and I have to go back to Japan in a month, leaving our closest friends here in America? Not knowing if we'll be able to see Genie, Jacob, and Damien in person for at least a few months, or years? Maybe even longer?

The boy is too distracted by his melancholic thoughts to notice when Jake stands up and walks slowly in front of him, crouching down to get to Shinji's eye-level.


Before the teardrops have a chance to trail down his face, he feels Jacob's hands on his cheeks. "Ji, look at me. Please..." Shinji opens his eyes and looks down, his dark-eyed gaze burning into Jake's chestnut-colored one.

So much warmth and love in those beautiful, brown orbs of his. I'm going to miss him so much when Miku and I go back to Japan. He feels a few tears escape from his eyes and he tries to blink them away, only causing more to fall.

I just hope that this relationship, this bond that we have, never breaks. Even if we're thousands of miles away from each other, I don't think I could ever be with someone else. He leans into his boyfriend's touch, committing to memory how Jake's hand feels on his skin.

He's my everything, my star, my galaxy. My universe.


"You don't need to worry about what you're thinking about when it comes to me, Shin." I know what you're thinking, my babe.

"Don't think for a second that I'll forget you." Don't think that what we have, this deep bond that we share, will ever be severed.

"I love you. I choose you." I'll continue to choose you.

"Every day, every hour, every minute, every second." Forever.

The older wipes the tears away with his thumbs, a small smile gracing his features as he notices the younger nuzzle into one of his hands. He's just so, perfect. He's beautiful but also adorable. He's sweet with just a little bit of sassy.

Jacob removes his hand, the one that Shinji isn't currently taking up, and reaches into his pocket to pull something out. I want to stay with this boy for as long as I can.

His heartbeat quickens, causing his breathing to pick up. I want to stay with him forever. Jake removes his other hand from Shinji's face and takes the boy's left hand into his own. He sees Shinji pout a little, causing a nervous laugh to escape from him.

I want to be with him for eternity. Jacob looks down at the silver band in his other hand, the small black gem gleaming in the golden rays shining down from the setting sun.


"Jay, are you okay? You seem, nervous. It's kinda scaring me..." Shinji takes his hand and traces Jake's jawline with his fingertips, causing the older to slowly blink and let out a shaky breath.

"I... have something to give you, but first I want to say something." Jacob gazes back up at the younger boy, his brown eyes overflowing with so many emotions. Admiration, nervousness, but mostly just love. Love for the small, raven-haired cutie seated in front of him.

Shinji shyly smiles and nods his head, urging his boyfriend to continue. His eyes don't leave Jake's face for even a second, taking in the older boy's puppy-like appearance. He's so cute, sweet, loving, caring, passionate. He's just so, perfect.

Jacob coughs a bit to try and clear the lump forming in his throat, his eyes getting blurry. "We may be young, and people may call me crazy, but..." he blinks a few times and lets out a breath before continuing.

"...I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Shinji Yamada." he sees his boyfriend's dark eyes widen a bit before he closes his own, his heart rate picking up even more as he starts to speak again.

"We aren't old enough, yet, for what I really wanted to do..." Jake opens his eyes and with trembling fingers, he barely manages to slip the onyx-gemmed ring onto Shinji's left pointer finger.

The younger looks down and tilts his head, his dark eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Why would he give me a ring?

The confusion melts away and is replaced by shock when he hears the next words from Jay.

"...this ring, with a gem that's just as dark as your eyes, but just as beautiful, will be a symbol. A symbol of this promise that I'm making to you." Jacob takes Shinji's left hand and kisses the back of it before continuing.

"I promise to always love you. Truly, madly, deeply. For eternity... or at least, for as long as you'll have me." A single teardrop escapes from Jake's eye, trailing down his cheek before dropping to the grass at their feet.


Shinji's head snaps up and he stares at his boyfriend, too stunned to speak or even breath. Their eyes lock, and the only thing that he can see now is him.

Jacob. The love of my life. His curly, light-brown hair that falls into his face because it's been so long since it's been cut. Those chestnut brown eyes that are filled with so much love, that they bring light into my otherwise dark mind. Jacob. My other half. My soulmate.

His body seems to move on its own, his hands moving to Jake's face and gently pulling him up with him as he stands. Shinji gazes up at him, the older boy's eyes now closed.

He gets on his tippytoes and kisses Jacob's forehead, then his eyes, then his nose. Before he kisses his lips, he speaks.

"Eternity is how long I want to be with you, Jay." he watches as a smile begins to curl at the corner of Jake's mouth. "I will always love you, Jacob Wilcox." Always.

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